The Changeling

The Changeling

Once, there was a great mage called Areon. He was the keenest of mind, the purest of heart and intent,
and his one fixed goal when he turned from disciple to Mage, was to discover the great spell of change.
So he, the changeling, could then flow into any form he chose.

He had travelled the entire known world, he’d learnt the art of levitation from the Sand People, the Great Balance from the Spinning Dancers, and the hidden secrets of the Chinese Wizards.

In an ancient library in Persia, Areon found the only hint of the spell of change. In the back pages of the Book of Gaia, there was an illustration by the poet-artist Crea, it showed an exquisite flower growing out of a dark lake and poised above the flower, a tiny Seraph hovered, looking straight at the viewer of the art.

The illustration was called the Key of Change. By the merest off co-incidence, he met the fabled Waduda,
as she travelled down the Ganges seeking the Heart of Hearts.

She had known he would come, She had known when he’d leave, Her celestial guides told all.
She fell deeply in love with Areron, and he with her, and for a time they were together.

On the morning before She left, Waduda told him, “Areon, the guides say the flower is the Moonflower of the Rushmoors.” Tears streamed down Waduda’s cheeks as she gently kissed Areon. “Good bye my love” she whispered, then her disciples drew her away with them, the Heart of Hearts called them.

He watched her leave, he watched until the dust was gone And the day was gone. He watched the stars wheel through the night sky, and when the dawn started to colour the sky, He whispered “Farewell Heart of my Heart”
Areon flew to the island of Helios, and consulted with the Mer and their champion Siren, great granddaughter of Serena.
The Mer know all the ways of water, of seas and rivers, glaciers and lakes.

A very old Merman laughed at Areon, “No-one has sought the Great Spell for one hundred thousand years, boy, leave it be.”
The old man laughed again, “You chase the Chimera of Dreams, instead”

“I cannot,” said Areon. “Siren, will you tell me how I might find the Lake of the Rushmoors?”
“Am I wise to give you the Sereph’s Bane, Areon.
One friend would not do that to another” said Siren gently.

“I choose, my friend, it’s my fate to choose.” said Areon.
“So be it.” said Siren sadly.
The Mer took Areon far, far to the south past all the maps Areon ever knew, until months later they came to Quay island, and deep within it’s freezing forests he found the lake, still, and bitterly cold.
Before they left Areon, the Mer told him all they knew of the Seraph and the flower, which was very little and vague.

The flower bloomed in the glow of the next full moon, The Sereph appeared at twilight, and gathered moonbeams to feed her flower, then vanished again. The flower lasted one night, and then, was gone.
Areon quietly watched the Seraph appear then vanish, And waited a long cold month for the next full moon to arrive.

Areon’s food supply was almost gone.
As he sat beside the lake and watched the stars reflected in its mirror-like surface, a soft padding of little feet brought Areon back to his surroundings.
He saw a squirrel with dense thick fur approaching him, and in her mouth she carried a large nut.
When she was close to Areon, she stopped, and sat back on her haunches, dropping the nut into her paws.
Then she spoke to Areon in her chittering speech.

“True Heart” said the squirrel, “You must care for the body” She dropped the nut beside Areon. “These nuts grow in the forest, find them and eat them.” She then bowed to Areon and scampered up a tree and was gone.
Areon found the nuts with little trouble, all the squirrels came to see the human, and then all the other creatures came, and all of them called him True Heart.

The month slowly passed until full moons night came again.
As the sun set, sending spears of red fire and washed purple through the sky, faint twilight began.
The air above the lake began to quiver with a thrumming sound like a distant horn.
The surface of the lake shimmered as a glow under the water became brighter growing towards the moonlight and the air.

The Moonflower burst out of the water with a flourish and quickly opened its exquisite petals, a pearl light shone from its centre. Moon dust appeared above the flower and grew into a woman’s shape with delicate gossamer wings, hovering over her soft and exquisite bloom, and then she became aware of Areon standing at the waters edge.

She inclined her head as a royal gesture “Seeker” she said, Her voice sounding like a soft cats purr,
“Do you seek the Moonflower”? “This bloom is called the Flower of the Gateway. It is a door to the Endless Multiverse. Do you seek the door, Trueheart?” asked the Sereph.

“Yes I do,” answered Areon from the shore.
“What do you say, my Creatures” rang out the Serephs voice as the Creatures of the forest gathered along the lakes edge.
“Is this True Heart good enough?”

“Yes he is” they called back.
“So be it” said the Sereph. She stepped onto the surface of the water, and scooped up the moonbeams glistening on the mirror like surface, then threw them out, and as they landed, the keel of a boat appeared, floating on the surface. Two more scoops of moonlight, and a silver boat lay on the surface of the lake of rushmoors, singing its colour.

With a wave of her hand, she turned the boat and sent it to Areon waiting on the shore.
“Step aboard, seeker” said the Sereph as she hovered over her flower once more.
The boat floated back to the flower, a soft blue mist now danced around the stem.

“True Heart” said the sereph “I am Orchida of Serenes line and I am Door Keeper for Ixt. Where you go as I send you through the gate, I cannot say, the possibilities are endless But be sure of the shore before you step from the boat. It will dissolve as you step away. Lay down and dream, dreamer”

And so Areon lay in the bottom of the boat and watched the ice fire of the stars overhead wheel through their night’s path.
The Sereph grew in size until she was human height She stared at her flower for a moment, Then sang one single beautiful note.
She drew her hands up to open above her head, and a single beam sprang from the flowers heart, and disappeared up into the stars above.

The beam sang as it hung poised in the air.
The Water Sereph then gazed at the boat and said “Open to the All”. A chill mist appeared along the shoreline and quickly obscured it until Areon floated in a ring of mist, the flower and the Sereph at its centre.

The mist moved and a memory of Wadudas tearful face coloured a brief picture of her on the mist wall, and then was gone.
A vision of his Grandfather appeared, seeking him everywhere.
Another, of his sister, Alea, attempting an impossible task to find an invisible man, and an obscure figure walking away.

“True Heart,” said the Sereph, “You were the one, Farewell”
She shrank back down to Sereph size and touching a petal, lfowed back into her flower.

The boat lifted lightly from the lakes surface and slowly floating, began to tilt up towards the beam until it touched the light.
The boat and the light instantly disappeared, and in the darkness, the flower sank quietly beneath the surface, and the mist rolled in to cover it all.

As the boat touched the light, Areon felt himself spread out on a vast plane, then as quickly, became himself again.
He stirred and sat up, the boat floated suspended in an endless space. A small spark twinkled above and in front of the boat. It grew in size until a twenty-foot tall Angel appeared, and spread her beautiful wings, looking down on Areon.

She bowed to him and said, “Areon True Heart, I am Araya. I am your ferry man across the Multiverse.”
The destination, the reason, the choice is yours, Areon”
“Behold” and Araya spread her arms as a gesture to the emptiness Instantly the whole emptiness was filled with tiny worlds, They stretched forever in every direction
“Your choice, seeker, the one that you wish, simply touch the world with your right index finger, and it shall be yours”
“You are a star child, Areon, as is your sister Alea” said Araya.

The world closest to him became Waduda looking out of a window, caught between the Heart of Hearts and her love for Areon Another beside it was Alea, furious with her Chancellor And shouting “Invisible,.. He’s Invisible, Call out the pixies,.. I want answers, not folk tales, Chancellor.”
And yet another one of August, so proud and strong, A Master of the elements, The Fire King, weeping as he’s told his grandson is gone

“So much pain, oh Grandpa, no!” said Areon
And then his eye caught a glimpse of a green world, and a face swam up to its surface, and looked at him
“Yes, I have what you want, Areon, I am the Mistress of Change” the face said

“Only one “ cautioned Araya to Areon “Once you have chosen, your passage is complete, seeker”

Another world caught his eye, it was Lillian talking to a Diplomat, but her eyes kept straying to the window, Like Areon might.. “Lady Lillian?”, the Diplomat enquired.
“Oh, very well,” he said Twenty Kron a bushel then, “and I’ve got three ships to fill before the king tide tomorrow night, Lady.

“Oh,.. Mm.. Yes that will do” answered Lillian as she walked towards the window.
Areon?.. she thought to herself

“Come on, young Lill”, said a soft voice behind her, as she stood alone for a moment on the balcony “Ah Papa” said Lillian softly touching his arm
“The lad far outstripped any of us, Lillian, Masters all”
They are Star Children, Lill. They are meant to be, my Queen said August to his daughter.

Areon looked again at the green world “Seeker, I have the Spell of Change, choose, touch this world” said the face in the green world “Does she speak the truth, Araya?” asked Areon to the Angel.

“Yes True Heart, in this thing she is true” “Then I choose, Araya, Farewell and thank you,” he said and bowed to her kneeling down in the silver boat

“Farewell Star Child” she said, and opening her beautiful wings, Araya vanished.
Areons boat hummed as she left

“Come to me in your beautiful boat, Areon the seeker. Do you want to be a Peregrine Falcon, or an Otter out on the sea, come to me” said the face in the green world.

As Areon gazed at the green world, the boat began to glide towards it until Areon was close enough to reach out and touch it’s surface. The face appeared closer now,
“Welcome to Aqua, seeker I am Syren, come, there is much for you to learn”.

Then Areon reached over to touch the world with his index finger, and instantly he was floating on an emerald sea stretching endlessly in every direction He scanned the horizon and far off he saw a structure rising from the sea, but could not make out what it was The boat hummed and he stroked its side “Will you take me there, silver one?” asked Areon.
The boat in answer, shot off at an incredible speed towards what now appeared to be a Palace.

The Palace, as Areon drew close was vast, towers and domes predominated the upper levels, halls, sumptuous dwellings,
and outdoor spaces at mid level, Warehouses, shops and wharves were at the lower levels. On a balcony that ran around the lowest level stood an exquisite woman dressed in soft gold.

As Areon glided to a halt on the water below the balcony, Syren looked down on him “Welcome to my palace, Son of the Moon” said Syren.  Orchida has made you a boat, I see. What a beautiful craft Such a clever Sereph she is Seeker, Serene and I are sisters. She is of the land, I am of the Sky. We are both changelings, but I devised the Spell of Change.”

Syren leaned over the balcony and stared into Areon eyes, Her eyes widened. “You are a Star Child” she said to herself
“So I’m told” answered Areon “Though I haven’t got a clue what it means”

“Do you not” said Syren. “Then it is not my business to speak of it, seeker, Our business is the great Spell of Change, Areon True Heart. What do you offer me? in exchange for my gift”.

“I have nothing,” answered Areon, holding up his empty hands.
“No, there is nothing in your world that I want, seeker” mused Syren to herself
“What is your dearest secret wish, Son of the Moon” asked Syren shrewdly.

“To find my father”,.. It fell out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
Areon sat stunned in the bottom of the boat

“Thank you Son of the Moon.” Said Syren “Ah, you are of the Fire Mage’s line, Bright August, I knew him long ago”
“Who are you, Syren?” asked Areon.

“Serene and I are dragonkind, Areon, we are changelings. We are Dracon, Serene is their Mother. She is the singer of our planet.
The All asks her to sing your Earth whole again and she has agreed, Areon”
“I am for my creatures beneath the seas, all of them, Areon.. Everywhere.
Your Earth Mother grows tired of you not hearing her voice, Nor seeing her signs, Areon, especially her Sea signs”

“I will lay a boon upon my gift to you, Star Child, and it is, that in any form, you are to help the Earth Mother,
Areon True Heart Star Child,  she surely needs you” said Syren

And so Syren wrote in words of fire that hung in the air The Great Spell of Change for Areon to see
“Remember this well, Master” said Syren, as the words finally faded.
“To know the spell is not to use the spell, Changeling, Now you practice!”

One day, while Areon practiced, Syren came down to him
“Still you will not step out of your boat, seeker. Time presses you, I know, so be it”
“There is a child you will meet, Areon. His name is Gaia and your Earth grew him, Help him if you can, he is precious to all of us “

“I will, Syren Queen” answered Areon, “And thank you for all your hospitality and kindnesses” He smiled, and Syren returned it. “You and August are alike, True Heart” said Syren

Areon moved through the water in the silver boat as he practiced the Spell of Change. Each time he reached outside of himself to change, he fell back inside of himself again. The silver boat and Areon had left Syrens Coral Castle many leagues behind, and in the distance Areon could see islands covered in rainforest up ahead.

As he approached them, he saw on the largest of the islands, a stream flowing out to the sea
“Can we go there, silver one?” asked Areon. The boat hummed and changed course towards the stream.
As they entered and glided upstream, the branches of trees hung over the water and dappled the sunlight.
The air was sweet and cool. The stream was crystal clear There was a flash of colour and a Sacred Kingfisher landed on the prow of the boat.

“True Heart” said the kingfisher, “We were told you would come” it said. It’s large dark eyes twinkled.
“Welcome to the Isles of Eden, we all have been asked to assist you in your practice.”
Immediately all the birds called out at once A dolphin surfaced beside the boat and clicked to him “Hello True Heart, Syren sends her greetings and bids you to learn from all of us.”

A fairy flew over the water and landed on the prow, kneeling beside the kingfisher “From all the spirits as well, Areon Moon” said the fairy. And so Areon began a deep learning of each creature, on land and under sea, each spirit and each sentient life form He could swim with the bream and the otter and fly as free as any bird on the wing.

And one day the sacred kingfisher returned and sat on the boats prow and looked at Areon with gleaming eyes and said
“Come fly with me, little one” and darted off.

Areon started to rise and instantly became a kingfisher “I have done it” the kingfisher cried, as he sped off after the other.
As Areon caught up with the other sacred kingfisher, he said “The boat, it will dissapear.”
“No True Heart, the Isles of Eden are sanctuary, the silver boat will remain with us, you no longer need a boat, Master Changeling, The fairy folk will send the Serephs moonlight boat back to her next full moon” said the kingfisher.

“It is time for you to return, True Heart, but not the way you came, only the changeling can find the way, farewell Areon” said the kingfisher as he darted away.
In the time he was there in the Isles of Eden, the creatures had spoken to Areon about the Earth Eaters “They take everthing, Changeling, they destroy the land, and they poison the seas, nothing can stop them” said an Iguana The Osprey beside it fluffed her feathers and looked at the ocean “Please help us!” said the Iguana.

“I will” said Areon, “I have vowed to do so”
Areon looked up into the sky, and saw a large flock of Swift, Feeding on the abundant insects, they flew lower, some arcing down to Areon. “Come with us, Changeling,” they piped as they sped past “We fly to the gate, Come” And Areon became a Swift and followed the flock as they rose higher to the slipstreams and faster travel. As they flew together, the Swifts told Areon of their lives on the wing, and of seldom coming down to land, some only to lay eggs for the future Swifts “We are sky nomads, Changeling” said a Swift beside him.

Ahead of the flock hung a gigantic sparkling ring in the air, a blue mist coalesced around it’s circumference. “The Sky Gate, Changeling” said a Swift beside him “This is how the flocks migrate from Evernor to Earth There is a similar ring under the ocean for those creatures as well” And as the flock entered the ring, Areon watched as they winked out Travelling in, while those travelling out instantly appeared, flying away As Aroen flew into the ring, his body shimmered and he was instantly human again and falling “Thank you and farewell” said Areon to the Swifts, and he then became a Condor and spiralled down to the warmer currents of air below.

He flew through the night and as the dawn appeared, began to recognize the landmarks of Alea’s realm below him.
Far off in the distance, Areon could see the spires of her palace.
As he flew towards them, Areon saw a small fire below him, and an old man warming his hands near the flames Areon spiralled down and landed a short distance from the fire He became human again, and walked over to the figure by the fire.

“May I share your fire Grandpa, it’s cold without clothes” said Areon standing naked.

The Fire Master sprang to his feet, tears stinging his eyes and hurried to him, taking off his cloak and wrapping it around Areon August hugged him and said in a croaky voice “My Boy” said August tearfully, “You are home and safe, Lillian has been so worried”

“I will go to her, Grandpa” said Areon kissing his cheek.

“I looked everywhere for you, I could not find you” said August “It has been a long journey, Grandpa, and I have so much to tell you,
I have the great Spell of Change, we should all go to the palace, I have been told of a threat to us, and they are called Earth Eaters”

“Earth Eaters?” said Tharg stepping up to the fire “Quirian spoke of this, Moon, when we travelled through Night’s Realm,
Evernor defeated them, the Kings and Queens amassed their armies and drove them into the endless desert where all thought they had perished.

Raylea brought the kettle to the fire and bowing to Areon said “It is good to have you home again, Prince Areon”
“It’s good to be home, Raylea” said Areon smiling

“Waduda has arrived, and is Lady Lillians guest in the valley” said Raylea with a grin.

“Oh, Oh, Well, Good” Areon stumbled back to her.
“You have won her heart, Prince Areon,” said Raylea kindly “All the womenfolk are smitten with your lovers tale.
The Queens ladies beg her to present Waduda to them with a feast in her honour, The romance has fired their passion.
The people are overjoyed with the news. You are well loved, my Prince” said the Master of Wind and Waves smiling.

“I am” said Areon humbly bowing his head to her

“Raylea” said the Fire Master, “Would you send to the Queen, tell her Areon is with us, and ask her to tell Lillian and Waduda to come to the Palace, We need to call a Council of Worlds.”

“As you will, High One” said Raylea, and she turned away to seek a quiet place.

“Will you join us, Master Changeling” said August, smiling at his grand son. “Gladly, Fire Master” said Areon.