The Soul Sisters


When Raylea was eleven, and living with her father, Aman and her brother Jobe, in the deep wilderness, she decided she would fly to the roof of the barn. The top was twenty feet up in the air She wore her work cloak, and flung it out, and said ”Rise”,
And she did, to the top of the barn roof.

Her Father came out of the house as Raylea left the ground. He ran over, fearing for her safety, but also amazed at what he had seen “Little Ray” he called to her, holding out his arms.

Gambe and Gumnut just happened to be passing by and heard Aman calling to Raylea on the roof.
Raylea was quite pleased with herself, the only problem was, How to get down?.
“Sorry, Papa, I don’t know” said Raylea “How do you fall slowly?”

Raylea looked up and saw Gambe and Gumnut coming up the track “High Father, help me, I’m stuck up here” said little Raylea Gambe came over and smiled “Well, Little” said the Magician,
“To do a thing, you must know all about that thing, in this case, down as well as up!”

Gambe raised a hand, and Raylea gently rose up into the air, and then came gently down beside the Magician.
Gambe looked at Aman, “Raylea shows the promise of a Master, Aman, she has Starchild in her”

Gambe turned and asked Raylea “Do you dream about Princess Alea?”
“Yes, High Father” said Raylea “Sometimes we talk together”
“Yes” said Gambe  “Alea told me you did, she wants to meet you, Raylea, on Serendipity Isle”

Gambe looked at Aman who nodded. “Mistress Unicorn and I shall take Raylea to Her, Aman, She will be quite safe, and very cared for, She belongs with the Starchild Alea”

“We are Sisters” said Raylea to Gambe
“Yes, Little, you are” said the old Magician “We shall go to Earth Mother Ela Sparkle, and she can tell you what she see’s”

Raylea turned to her Father “Papa, I must do this, and I will miss you terribly”
“But you must, Little Ray of Sunshine” said her Papa, holding her with tears brimming in his eyes
“Your Mother said you had a destiny, when you were born” said Aman tearfully, “And she was right, She loved you, Raylea, like I do, come home when you can, Sweetling, I’ll be here”

“Yes, Papa” said a tearful Raylea
There was a soft wicker, and Celeste the Unicorn appeared, from behind the barn.
Her beautiful soft blue eyes held them all in her gaze.

“Hello, Little Master” said Celeste, looking deep into Raylea’s eyes
“Oh, Alea told me about you” said Raylea.
“She will be the Starchild Queen, one day” said Celeste

“Yes, Mistress” said Raylea, amazed at the beautiful creature, Celeste knelt down and said “Ride on my back, Little, and we shall visit Ela Sparkle. Are you coming, Gambe?” said Celeste.

“Yes, my dear” said Gambe, and he took hold of Celeste’s mane, and they vanished, leaving Aman astounded.
In a few heartbeats, Celeste stood at the back gate of Ela Sparkle’s garden Ela Sparkle was born in the Isles of Eden, and came to Evernor In Lillians reign, and Ela accepted the Enchanted Cottage position when Old Mother Hubbard went to the Realm of Light and left the Endless Cupboard for Ela Sparkle to discover

Celeste wickered and Ela Sparkle came out to greet them, smiling “Celeste” she said,
“Hello, High Father, and who do we have here, a Flying Girl, well, well”

Raylea smiled, everyone succomed to Ela Sparkle’s bright happy outlook “Come inside, please do” she said and they all went in
There was a girl sitting on the floor, and a Book was in front of her “Hom,” was it’s title.
Raylea and the girl on the floor looked at each other and said “Oh!” together

“Alea?” said Raylea amazed. Alea stood up and ran into Raylea’s open arms “I couldn’t wait” said Alea smiling “It’s so good to see you at last, my beautiful sister”
“Oh Alea” said Raylea breathlessly, and they both looked into each other’s eyes and stopped speaking, talking instead Mind to Mind with each other instead.

A voice inside their heads said “Well, Little Mentats, first we will learn being present” said Ela Sparkle, and the three laughed.

And out loud, Ela Sparkle said “It is easy to forget others are around” Gambe smiled and nodded.

Celeste lifted her head “I will go to the Whisperweed fields and replenish” she said.
“Yes, Mistress” said Ela Sparkle “I’ll open the Door for you, High One”

“Thank you, Earth Mother” said Celeste “Good bye, Littles, and I’ll see you later, High Father” and then left with Ela Sparkle for the Portal Room.

Moments later, Ela came back into the room “I will teach them” she said to Gambe.
Gambe nodded, “Thank you, Earth Mother” he said.
“Alea shall learn QueenCraft, and Raylea shall learn Mastering Wind and Waves, High Father” said Ela

“As you will, Earth Mother, Queen Lillian will assist in any way that she can” said Gambe

“Please thank her, my dear” said Ela Sparkle
“I shall” said Gambe smiling

And so began the training of the Soul Sisters.
One day, Ela took them into her garden “Girls” she said, “Earth Mother Elenor will teach you Motherdom,
so we shall travel with her for a time, and after that, we shall learn from the Fire Master and Master Artimus”

“But first, I must teach you Mentat awareness, There is no gap between you, and if you fell into each other, You would fuse together as one. So we practice being separate, together, but separate”

“Yes, Mistress” said Alea and Raylea

“Ah, my dears,” said Ela Sparkle “You are both a wonder”
Alea cuddled Raylea smiling happily
“My Sis” said Raylea smiling softly

Alea took Raylea’s face gently in her hands And kissed her brow “Always” whispered Alea

“Ranger Harry shall accompany us when we go to Earth Mother Elenors” said Ela,
as they made loaves of bread in the oven the next day.
“She is also Queen Lillian’s Sister, remember this”
“Yes, Mistress” said Alea and Raylea.

Gumnut stayed behind to take care of the Cottage And Ela Sparkle decided they should walk to the Wilderness, so Ela could teach the girls, What grows where, and who uses what, and who the creatures were, who showed themselves to the Starchildren.

One night, a family of Rushmoor Squirrels came to Ela sitting at a fire with the girls
The Matriarch Squirrel came and sat between the girls and chirruped “I like these Starry girls, Earth Mother”

Ela smiled “She likes you” said Ela taking some cashew nuts out of her pocket and placing them on the ground
for the Squirrels to eat. The Matriarch bobbed a bow to the Earth Mother
Ela smiled and nodded her head

The following day they came to the very wide Moon River.
Ela looked upstream and saw Rangers swimming across with their horses.
She turned and saw Harry up on a hill overlooking the Moon River.

“Now, young women” said Ela “We are going to build a Cockle, then paddle it over to the other side and leave it there for others to use”

“Yes, Mistress” said the Soul Sisters together.
Ela Sparkle looked up “Ah, Master Artimus will join us in a moment” said the Earth Mother picking up a water bottle.

And presently, the Old Monkey came walking to them with his wooden staff, smiling at them “Hello, everyone” he said.
Ela handed him the water bottle and he drank
“Ah, that’s better” said Artimus

“Welcome, Master” said Ela.
Alea and Raylea both bowed “Greetings, High One” they said together

“Pish!” said the old monkey “We are in the wilds, not at court, you shall simply call me Artimus” said the Old Master
“And what do you construct here, Mother?” said Artimus walking around a circle of small holes

“We’re building a Cockle, Art” said Ela gathering up the Willow wands they had collected from the River bank.

“Ah!” said Artimus “I do not know this” he said, coming to watch Ela weave river reed between the arches of Willow wands, and lashed the wands together, then a thin strong waterproof blanket was tied down like a skin on the outside.

Then the four lifted the Cockle and took it down to Moon River.
Raylea was in front so they carried it out into the water, But only three got wet

“Raylea” said Alea, “You’re standing on top of the water”

“Oh” said Raylea looking down.
“Focus, Young One” said Master Artimus “That’s it, now come to shore” And stepping on top of the water, she did,
and stood on solid ground again

“In the lands I come from, the People would call you an Air and Water Spirit, Raylea” said the Old Master

“Yes, Art” said Raylea

“Hm” said the Master and smiled
“Could you tow us to the other side, Raylea” said Artimus , “I shall help”

“Yes Art” said Raylea smiling, and picked up the line tied to the Cockle.
Master Artimus took his staff and held it horizontally.
“Float” he commanded, and the staff floated two feet above the ground.
He sat on it and rose slightly “Tie another line, Ela, and give it to me, I’ll steer”

“Yes, Art” said Ela Sparkle
She continued teaching the young women as they moved slowly over the wide river.
Raylea pulling them forward, and Artimus steering.
Ela and Alea sat in the Cockle “Do I have any skill with water, Mother?” said Alea Ela looked at her

“You could lift the river and carry it with you, If you chose, Starchild, but that would be a catastrophe.
You have the pull of the Moon within you, It is balance that is needed” said the Earth Mother

She looked at Raylea and smiled “We have waited so long for the Soul Sisters to come”
Raylea smiled and Alea laughed.
When they had hauled the Cockle onto the opposite bank, Artimus bowed.
“I shall walk with the Rangers for a while, Mother” he said Ela nodded and Artimus left them

“Now” said Ela, “Give me a moment to find Earth Mother Elenor” and she turned aside and sat quietly

“Separate” said Alea and Raylea together
“Let’s make a meal” said Raylea building a fire
“Hm, yes” said Alea “What shall we have?”
“Oh, baked potato’s” said Raylea, blowing on the fire
“And the nutmeal loaf with pea’s” said Alea
“And the soft mead cordial” said Raylea “Watch the fire, Sis, I’ll get some water
“Yes, sweet” said Alea.

Ela Sparkle came back and said ‘well done’ and helped them prepare the meal
“Earth Mother Elenor bids us stay, she will come to us” she said as they ate round the fire
“Earth Motherdom is Women’s Business It is not for men, and is not spoken of, to men
Ranger Harry is the only exception The Ranger Women protect us here” said the Earth Mother.

“And what you both learn is between you and Earth Mother Elenor,
I shall remain silent”

“Yes Mother” they said together

What was taught, shown, or experienced, while the Earth Mothers and the Starchildren travelled together, cannot be said here
The StarChildren changed, and grew, and prospered. The Mothers were pleased, and told Queen Lillian so.

And when some time had past, Ela Sparkle and the Soul Sisters returned.
When the three travellers came again to Moon River, A small dinghy waited for them, with a flower on the seat.

Ela smiled, and called out “Thank you, Sisters” And they were ringed by an unseen rousing cheer.
Alea and Raylea smiled and bowed, then climbed into the dinghy waiting for the Earth Mother

A Ranger came out of the woods, dismounted her horse, And bowed to Ela
“Dear Gwen” said Ela taking her hands “Give my love to your Rangers, and my thanks” And she cuddled Gwen, who sighed.
Ela Sparkle took the flower, and kissed it, then took up the oars and was swiftly gone into the mist in the middle of Moon River

“The Rangers are quite taken with you Starchildren,” said Ela as she pulled on the oars
“Is there any water in the bags?” she asked
“Yes, said Alea “Raylea filled them”

“Can we have a go at the oars” said Raylea.
Ela waved assent as she drank
After a while she said “Well, that’s a flappy goose” Both the girls started laughing.
They’d skidded the oars, or dug too deep, Out of time and flapped on the surface.

Ela giggled, which made the girls laugh again
“Shush” said Ela smiling “Now, let me have a turn and watch what I do closely”
And they did, as Ela taught them the use of Dinghy

They changed places again and Ela said “Oh, you two learn fast”
“We Do” said Alea “We Do” said Raylea nodding

“And not a shred of Modesty in either” said Ela and they all laughed.

As they came to the other side, Ela said “They will ask so much of you both”
“Hm” said the girls together
“But you always have each other” said Ela kissing their cheeks

”We love you, Ela” the Soul Sister’s said together.
And that made Ela Sparkle teary, and they cuddled her, and said what a wonderful woman she was, and that made Ela smile, and sigh.

“We’d better go and help Gumnut with,.. Mrs Crabtree’s goat, and little jimmy’s stuck in the apple tree,
And the cow’s in the vegetable garden”

“Earth Mother” said a wailing Gumnut, “Help”

“Yes, my dear” said Ela opening the gardens back gate.

“Beautiful, out of the garden” said Ela, and the cow left the vegetable garden, sedately
“Jimmy, hook your leg round, yes, now grab the branch, and lower yourself down to the trunk, that’s it, and now, jump down”
“Ah, Mrs Crabtree, and your goat, Hm, its mastitis I’ll get you some wool fat cream, and see you tomorrow, and hello, Gumnut, my sweet, it’s good to be home” said Ela brightly

“Ah, Mistress” said Gumnut sighing
“I’m home now, sweet” said Ela.

Gumnut smiled, “Yes, Mistress” he said

“Now”, said Ela picking up Gumnut and cuddling him “There are a lot of messages, are there?”
“Yes, Mistress: said Gumnut as she put him on the garden table.

“Did Celeste help you?” said Ela
“Yes, Mistress, and Gambe came around quite often” said Gumnut sitting on the table in front of her.
“I’m glad you are home, Mistress.

Ela smiled and nodded “And?” she said ,
And Gumnut told Ela the story of the fifty gallons of Ja Jubi, and the Lady of the Lakes return, and the scandal of Lord Snides treatment of beautiful Lady Mauve.

While Ela and Gumnut talked, Alea and Raylea made some mint and honey tea, and joined them at the garden table
“Hm” said Ela, looking at the mountains in the distance “Things move on”
“Yes, Mistress” said Gumnut

“Now, young women” said Ela, “Thank you for the tea, and your next tutor is a world famous Botanist”

“Shush” said Gumnut shyly

“And he shall teach you the growing of things for a garden, It is a deep and old Lore, Sisters The Sunlight and the Soil, and the Prana in the rain And the magic of Photo Synthesis” Ela looked at Gumnut “You may begin, Master” she said

“Yes, High One” said the little gnome

“And I’ll deal with the messages, there are lots, aren’t there?” said Ela.
“Yes, Mistress” said Gumnut helping to clear the table

Celeste appeared at the back gate and nudged it open,
She came up to Gumnut and the Soul Sisters gathered around the table
“A little bird has told me Master Gumnut will impart his Knowledge to you Littles” said the Unicorn smiling
“May I join your class, Master” said Celeste “I have a natural interest in the area”

“You may, High One” said Gumnut smiling.

No-one knows when the gnomes first appeared, They maintained the forests, and kept to themselves But one or two came to the Cottage, now and then, Gumnuts family had been growing for two hundred generations, So he knew “almost” everything about growing

Gumnut held out his hands at the gardens around the Enchanted Cottage
“This is your Apothocary” said Gumnut
“Nature gives us many cures or helpful foods” he said pointing out the herb and medicine gardens
“You can grow magnificent meals here” he said showing lettuce and tomato’s, beetroot and pineapples
“You can grow food for the creatures, the birds, for instance, or grow flower pollen for butterflies and bee’s or just grow tree’s,” he said smiling, “But not in the garden”

And so began the lessons with Gumnut.
The birds came and listened to Gumnut speaking the Old Lore
A young rabbit came in the gate and sat near Gumnut, who pulled up a carrot, dusted it, gave it to the the young rabbit, and spoke all the while.

Earth Mother Ela came into the garden, and all the birds sang to her
“My Beautifuls” said Ela to them
“Thank you for todays lesson, Master” said Ela

Gumnut bowed to his Mistress
Celeste touched Gumnuts hands with her spire and the little gnome blissfully rose and hung in the air
“Thank you, Master” said Celeste softly to her friend
“Oh, Celeste” said Gumnut
“Oh” said Celeste, “I am called, goodbye” said the Unicorn winking out of existence.

Ela cupped the floating Gumnut and sat him on the table top. She gave him a water bottle and helped him hold it as he drank
“I shall make you Mother’s Surprise tonight, Master” said Ela looking at her Gnome
“Oh, yum” said the Soul Sisters “That’s my favourite, Mistress” said Gumnut smiling

“It is, dear Gumnut” said Ela, “So, I need a fire lit, some water, and some vege’s from the garden.
Is there any bread left, No, well, we’ll bake tomorrow And make do tonight. Now, watch closely, This is a Mother’s recipe, and only Earth Mother’s know it, So we do not speak of it”

“No, Mistress” said the young women together

“The best part of the recipe is the adding of love to the mixture,” said Ela,
” Bread , neaded with love, is the sweeter for it”
“In the Isles of Eden, where I come from, The one who cooks the food is blessed and honoured, for the love that one gives”
“So, You must give all of you, as you make the Mother’s Gift”

“Now, Alea, there is a small phial marked “Bee’s Tears” on that shelf, bring it to me, love, and you may both call me Ela, from now on.

“Beautiful Woman” said Raylea smiling
Ela smiled and nodded.  “Focus” said Ela gesturing “Now, a little sadness of lemon, and a lot of potato hope stirred in,
rich vegetables and fragrant herbs, onions sizzling, Open Heart and Giving Hand This the food from this the land” sais Ela stirring the pot.

“Some Mother’s add euphorics” said Ela But I’m Old School and don’t”
“Cool” said Alea.
Ela smiled, “What is Cool?”
“It’s a saying” said Raylea, “It means good”
“Ah” said Ela Sparkle

“You are Cool, Ela” said Alea smiling
“We love you, Dude” said Raylea smiling at the gentle Earth Mother.

“Oh, you two” sighed Ela Sparkle

There was a knock at the door.  “Hello Moon, come in” said Ela.
The door opened and there stood the Fire Master smiling.

“Grandpa” said Alea running into his arms.
“Hello, Littles” said the former King of Moon Kingdom,
Hello Ela” said August, “There’s a food wagon coming behind me”

“I’ll gather the neighbours tomorrow, Moon, set your pack down, we’ve just made Mother’s Surprise” said Ela.

“Yes, I could smell it, It livened my step, I’ll tell you” said August.
They all laughed
“Ray, I’ve got some letters from your Dad” said August digging in his pack.
“Cool, Moon” said Raylea,
“No worries, Sis” said August
“And your Mum says Hi, Love you, and hopes you both love the box of chocolates”

“Oh, Mum” sighed Alea smiling.

“Serendipity asks the Soul Sisters to visit her please” said August.
“Yes, Moon” said the young women together.

“I’m very proud to serve you both” said the Fire Master falling into an arm chair
“We are honoured for your love of us, Moon” said Alea and Raylea together
“You darling children” smiled August “You are famous in all the lands, the Queen adores you both,
and wishes she were here in my place”

“Oh, Moon” they said, and they each took his hands.
Alea was teary, Ela came and cuddled Alea as she wept silently.
“Oh, Sis” said Raylea cuddling them both.

“And the Queen says she will see you both on Serendipity Isle” said August

“Hm” said Alea nodding

“I know it’s hard for you both, but we must do our best, Sisters, You have a Kingdom in love with you, And we serve the People” said the Fire Master.
“Yes Moon” said the Soul Sisters together.

“Now, young women” said Ela,” Let’s serve the Meal”.
“I will be needed here, Moon, so I will not come with you to Serendipity” she said

“As you will, Mother” said the Fire Master.
“Oh this food is heavenly” said August filling his plate again.
“Mother Hubbard laid down some wines in the Endless Cupboard” said Ela “Would you like some?”
“Aye” said August smiling.

“Apparently, they were very good” said Ela stepping up to the Endless Cupboard.
“Petite Bordeau, please” she said then opened the cupboard doors, and brought out the small bottle of wine, and brought it to the table .
“Amazing” said August looking at the bottle and then the cupboard.
“Oh, this wine is delicious, Ela” said the Fire Master.
“Good” said the smiling Earth Mother

“So, young women you shall travel with the Fire Master, then return to me here”
“Yes, Ela’ said Alea “Yes, Ela” said Raylea, and they both bowed their heads to the Mistress

“You have won my heart, Soul Sisters” said Ela Sparkle.
The Sisters smiled at their teacher “Love you Ela” they said together, Ela Sparkle sighed
They finished the meal, and cleared it away.

Ela brought out her Harp, and as she tuned it
Ela said to Alea “I met a young boy in the Great Markets, playing a beautiful whistle, His name was Leo.

“Now, the Voice,”  said Ela “And it’s accompaniment” she said, playing a flourish on the Harp.
“It is like making bread, you add the love and you transform the music.
It is the Song of the Heart, the Ephemeral, and the Impermanent”

“This is am old Gian song called Greensleves” said Ela.
Her voice was rich and sweet and she held them effortlessly in the palm of her hand until the song was done .

“Ah”, said August smiling and clapping softly “The Musicians Guild tried to make Ela their Bard” said the Fire Master.

Ela laughed.

August smiled, “They failed, luckily” said August, raising his glass to Ela Sparkle.
Ela smiled and nodded.

“How will you travel to Serendipity, Moon” said the Earth Mother.
“Ixt will assist us” said August bringing a pot of tea to the table
“May I try the Cupboard?” said August timidly.
Ela smiled “You may, Moon” she said

August went to the Endless Cupboard and whispered “Chocolate Chantellay”
He opened the cupboard doors and there was the cake.
“It worked” he squeeked and danced on the spot with glee
The Soul Sisters roared with laughter, Ela held her sides, and laughed as well

“Sometimes you are so not the Fire King” said Ela giggling.
“Thank the Gods” said August smiling
“They shall be safe with me, Earth Mother” said the Fire Master.
“Thank you, High One” said Ela, August nodded
“And we should get some rest, Sisters, we shall leave at dawn” said the Fire Master

As the dawn started to colour the sky, the Crystal Door appeared in Ela’s garden, the Door opened and August Raylea and Alea stepped through to Serendipity Isle, then the Door disappeared
The three stepped into the kitchen, and the noise and all the beautiful smells.
“There you are, girls” said Florence, the Queens Head Chef.
“There’s breakfast for you both in the Queens study, off you go” Raylea and Alea nodded and left.

“Where is the Queen, Flo” said August.
“She’s with the Rangers down near the stables, High One, Here, take these spicy buns with you” she said.
August smiled “Thanks Flo” he said and headed for the stables.
Twelve female Rangers sat in a circle on the grass, Queen Lillian sat with them. In the centre of the circle, stood Gwen, telling the Queen of the happenings in the Wilderness, and news of the Wilderness Mothers.

August walked to the stables and went inside. He found Ixt looking at a screen floating in front of him
“Hello August” said Ixt, “got here ok?” August nodded and offered a spicy bun to Ixt, who took one.
“I’m tuning the Miasma” said Ixt “to create a hemisphere over Serendipity that moves the island forward in time, just a little, and in the real world, the Isle disappears.

Raylea and Alea sat at the table and ate the breakfast served there. They didn’t bother speaking out loud when they were alone There was a portrait of a young man hanging there “Is that Areon, God’s he’s gorgeous” said Raylea
Alea smiled “He is,” she said “The Masters refused to make him a Master, saying two years training is not long enough to become a Master, so he said he would find the Great Spell of Change, and left”
“Hm” said Raylea.

The door opened, and Queen Lillian came in, took off her crown and fluffed her hair.
“Hello, my beautifuls” said Lillian “I’m free for two days”
Alea smiled, “Yea” said Raylea.

Queen Lillian sat between them, and they told her about Ela and the Cottage, and travelling with Elenor and Master Artimus.
“I didn’t know you were sisters” said Raylea “Yes, my love, We are” said the Queen

“So, young women” said Lillian “You have pleased the Great Mother, I’m told, and you are famous all through our lands, and dearly loved by us all, my sweets”
“Oh Lill” said Raylea taking her hand and kissing it Alea hugged her and the Queen became teary.
“We love you, Lill” they said together.

“Thank you for understanding” said the Queen hoarsely through her tears Alea and Raylea nodded to their Queen.
“We’ve learnt so much stuff, Lill” said Raylea brightly “Yes, We built a Cockle, Mum” said Alea holding the Queens hand
Did you” said the Queen “It’s a good skill to have for the modern travellor, my sweets, and I’m told Serendipity wishes to see you, Harry will take you to see her”
“Cool” the Sisters said together

And so they spent the day together as women do, and later they came down to the kitchens, and sat with Flo.
The Queen took Flo’s hand and said “Can you show these young women a Kitchen, Flo?”
Flo smiled warmly “I can, my Queen, and so would all the staff, as well”

One young female Chef stepped up “I’ll show the Soul Sisters Chocolate Chantellay, High One” she said.
There were wolf whistles and cheering, and Stella smiled and bowed to the Kitchen Crew.
“So you see, My Queen” said Flo “And may I say on behalf of Palace Kitchens,
Yeah!” and the staff cheered Alea and Raylea smiled and bowed
“Spicy buns and coffee, Please” said Flo “Back to work, Crew” and the kitchen noise commenced.

The next day, as they were walking down to the jetty, where Harry and the boat waited, Queen Lillian said
“Towards the end of your tutoring, I shall take you both for QueenCraft”
“Yes, High One” they said together.
“Yes, Mum” added Alea “Yes, Lill” said Raylea holding Lillians hand.“Oh, you two” smiled the Queen at the Soul Sisters.

“Oh, Mum” said Alea,” Ela played for us”
“Did she, the marvellous woman” said the Queen
“The Musicians Guild offered two thousand Kron for her to appear She told them to stuff it” laughed Lillian.
“Really” said the Soul Sisters and both began to giggle.
“Yes” said the Queen, “Your teacher is famous”

“Good Morning, my Queen” said Harry holding the boats mooring line. Queen Lillian smiled “Good Morning, Harry,
What a lovely day for boating” she said climbing in.
“Hey Sisters” said Harry, “How ya doin?”
“We cool” said Raylea slapping his hand
“Yo Bro” said Alea slapping his hand as well and they all climbed into the boat.

“May I, My Queen” said Harry “You may” nodded the Queen
“Soul Sisters” said Harry “You have learnt Dinghy from Earth Mother Ela,
now we will expand your knowledge to include Oar and Sail, please take us out into the bay”
said Harry sitting down at the tiller.

“Yes, High One” said the Sisters deftly handling the oars.
“Hm” said Harry watching them.
They came out into the bay “Ship oars” said Harry and the Sisters did
“We shall sail around the Island to give you a feel of it, and moor at the Head and speak to Serendipity”
“Now,” said Harry, “We three shall work as a team” The young womens eyes lit up “Yea” said Raylea.
“Watch and follow me” said Harry, and they did, with a couple of shrieks and giggles, but quickly learnt what they were shown.

“You do learn quickly, Sisters” said Ranger Harry smiling
“They Do” said the Queen proudly “Thank you for their care, Harry” said Lillian smiling
Harry smiled and nodded.
“Lower the sails” said Harry as they came to the Head “
Take up your oars and get as close to the iron ring as you can, and I’ll pass a rope through it” The Soul Sisters manouvered the boat almost up to the rocky Head And Harry deftly secured the boat with the rope

“ALEA and RAYLEA” said a deep voice in the air “WELCOME SISTERS” said Serendipity
Both Sisters smiled and connected to Serendipity.
“I’ve brought some food, Harry” said the Queen opening the hamper. ‘And Flo sends you her love”
Harry smiled “I’ve never eaten better in my life” he said.
“She is good, isn’t she, We are childhood friends’ said Lillian taking out the most delicious food.

A little while later, Alea sighed and said “Oh, that smells delicious, Ray, come back and eat”
Raylea’s eyes opened “Oh, Yum” she said and smiled.

“There you both are” said the Queen “Time to eat, Sisters” and they both did, hungrily.

THANK YOU, SPIRIT MOTHER” said Serendipity’s Huge voice
Lillian smiled and nodded
When their picnic had ended, Harry and the Sisters sailed back to the Mansion.

“Come to dinner tonight, Harry” said the Queen.
“Thank you, High One,” said Harry a,nd the women walked back up to the Mansion.
As Raylea Lillian and Alea came to the front door, They were met by August.

“Ah, Fire Master, would you come to dinner with us” said Lillian.
“Yes, My Queen” said August nodding.
“Do you leave when I go tomorrow?” said the Queen.
“Yes, High One, just slightly before you leave” said the Fire Master
Queen Lillian nodded sadly, and Alea and Raylea took her hands in theirs.

“Ah, you two” sighed the Queen, smiling a little.
“Love you, Lill” said the Sisters together.
“Same” said Lillian.

In the evening, Flo put on a feast that was superb, and after the feast, Flo and Lillian sat together.
Flo with her after work sherry, and Lillian with her Baja tea in a crystal cup.
The Sisters were laughing at something Harry had said.

“Do you remember that Tailor’s boy I was chasing” said Flo.
Lillian burst out laughing
Flo grinned “Shush” she said.
“Well, he’s got his own drapery store and a wife now”

“Flo, That was twenty four years ago” said the Queen smiling “Oh, but I was sweet on him” said Flo
Lillian giggled, “It was a scandal, Florence”
“Ah, well” said Flo “I’d do it again, if I could”
“No, I would forbid it this time” said the Queen “Hm, you would at that, dear heart” said the Head Chef smiling.

“You cook divinely, Florence” said the Queen sipping her tea
“Thank you, My Queen said Flo sipping her sherry

It was dawn, the next morning, the Queen kissed the Sisters both, then said “My time is not my own again, darlings, I’ll miss you” she said standing.
“Now up you get, the Fire Master will be waiting, Love you” she said closing their door and going down the corridor.
“I do understand” said Alea getting out of bed and choosing some clothes to wear.
“I know, dear heart,” said Raylea kicking off her blankets “We will know Queens Burden soon enough”

“Hm” said Alea
A maid entered, “Good morning, Sisters” she said smiling “The Fire Master bids you to come to the garden
at eight o’clock, High one”
“Thank you, Lydia” said Alea.
Lydia closed the door and hugged herself “The Sisters” she sighed, and hurried on with her duties

“I’m going to wear emerald green” said Raylea holding up a shirt.
“Yes, sweet” said Alea wearing blue and gold
When they were dressed, Alea said “Shall we go down, Sister?”
“To the Kitchens” said Raylea, trying a baritone voice and failing
Alea giggled and pushed her out of the room and they went down to Flo who had prepared their breakfast.

“Well, young women” said Flo “It’s cooks, is it?”
“Definitely, Flo” said Raylea.
“Same” said Alea smiling.

“it’s finding time in your busy schedule, Sisters” said Flo “There’s still a lot for you to learn, so we’ll go as we can, sort of thing” “Yes, Flo” said the Sisters together “And you can start by serving yourselves, Sisters, and clean up after you, Kitchens yours” said Flo going to the other Chefs to plan the days meals
“Take some of those Jam tarts to August, Raylea, I bet he didn’t eat again” called Flo as they left.

August ran out of the front door and around the side of the Mansion to find the Sisters waiting.
“Oh, Tarts” said August taking two.
“Forgot breakfast” said the Fire King spraying crumbs. Raylea giggled

“Take no notice of him, Sister, Grandpa, really” said Alea primly.
“Sorry” said August
“Now” said the Fire Master wiping his mouth
“We shall begin the lessons of Master Artimus and myself’ but first” said August looking around the garden “What time is it?” “Seven fifty nine” said Alea They all waited a moment, and the Crystal Door appeared In the garden, and it’s door swung open

“Shall we go to Ela’s, Sisters” said August.
“Aye” said the Sisters together and they all stepped through the door to Ela’s gardens.

Ela looked up from weeding “There you are” she said and the Sisters came and cuddled her.
“Now, young women, you shall have lessons with the Masters, but still be working around the Cottage with me” said Ela “Yes, Mistress” said the Sisters

“I’ll need milk for Beautiful in the early morning, and the eggs brought in, then help with breakfast, and after cleaning it away, your lessons with the Masters may begin.”
“Yes, Ela” said the Sisters “And after the lessons, firewood and we shall make dinner together” said Ela.The Sisters bowed.

On the Sixth day, the Sisters had to themselves, and they spent the morning in the sun room.
Alea combed Raylea’s hair, and said, “When I am Queen, I’ll have to order you around, I would not do that to you”

“There can only be one Queen, dear heart, and I give my life to that one” said Raylea.
Alea kissed Raylea’s head, “Yes, Sister” she said.
August came into the sun room
“Hello Sisters” he said “I am called to the Palace, so Master Artimus will show you the art of Levitation, while I am gone”

“Yes, Moon” said the Sisters “Oh and Artimus doesn’t like Royal Fuss” said the Fire Master pausing at the door
“Cool” said the Sisters as he closed the door

At eight o’clock the next morning, the Soul Sisters stood in front of the Old Master.
“Now,” said Artimus. He lifted his hand and Raylea and Alea floated up gently in the air
“Oh” said the Sisters.
“Focus, Starchildren” said the Master
“Let us explore the Art of Floating” said Artimus joining them in the air.
“The staff is not necessary, but it is helpful if your attention is needed elsewhere, hence, the witches broom, the flying carpet, and a Masters staff. They are merely devices to travel on.
The Art of Levitation is much more”
He waved his hand and they floated back down again.

“I remember this” said Alea.
“Yes, Starchild” said Artimus looking at the young Queen to be.
“Raylea” said Artimus, “Mother Ela saw you coming here a long time ago, and she made you a cloak”
he said giving her a green folded garment

“Oh” said Raylea excitedly “My Flying Cloak”
“Show us said Alea excitedly, and Raylea twirled and suddenly she was wearing an oh so cool cape.
“Oh, Sis” said Alea starry eyed
“Whoa” said Ela from the doorway, “Pretty Cool”

She walked over, and Raylea modelled the garment dramatically.
Alea giggled and said “But you are divine, my dear” Raylea kissed Alea’s cheek

“Sisters” said Artimus “Let us return to the lesson”
“Yes, Art” said the Sisters “I’ll bring out some lunchsoon, Art” said Ela going inside.
Artimus waved to Ela and said “Raylea, Show me ‘Rise’
Raylea cast out her cloak and called ‘rise’ And she ascended ten feet and hovered above them.
“It’s opposite is decend, Hm?” said Artimus
Raylea smiled, “Yes” she said.

“Show me decend, Sister” said Artimus and Raylea floated down to the ground.
Alea did a little dance. “Dude” she said smiling Raylea swept a bow “You girls, really” said the Old Monkey shaking his head

They took his hands and the Old Master smiled “Let us have lunch” he said walking to the Cottage.
As Artimus walked through the door he said something to Ela And she laughed “Come on you two she called to the Sisters

“Oh, I love it here” said Alea as they walked to the door Raylea put her arm around Alea and said “Same” “I am yours forever, dear heart” said Raylea “You’ll never leave me, will you” said Alea “Always, dear heart, always” said Raylea kissing her cheek “Hm” said Alea smiling and they went in to eat the food Ela had prepared

After lunch, the lessons continued with Master Artimus He showed Raylea how to steer the Wind, and then turned to Alea.
He showed her how to Levitate, then bid her try “Use only a tiny bit of your power” he said.
Alea did, and shot one hundred and fifty feet in the air Instantly the Master streaked up to catch her.
“Phew” said Alea looking down at Raylea “Hm” said the Old Monkey, as they floated back down to the ground “You have too much power for the Art, Starchild” said Artimus as they landed.

“It might be better to make you a staff”
“Yes, Art” said Alea “And in the meantime, you may use mine” said Artimus.
“Cool” said Alea smiling, and the Master showed Alea how to fly with the staff.

By late afternoon, they were tiny specks up in the sky.
Alea rode the staff, Raylea flew with her cloak and Artimus sat in mid air.
“I love this” said Alea.
“Yes, you both take to it like a duck to water, but not like a flappy goose, though” said Artimus and the Sisters laughed

“Now”, said Artimus “Come back down, and we shall help Ela make dinner, and they did.
“Tomorrow is Master Gumnuts day with you, Soul Sisters” said Artimus as they ate.
“Do you need anything, Mother, I’m going to Gambe’s” “Give him my love, dear” said Ela Artimus smiled and nodded

And so the next day the Sisters were up to their elbows in dirt, discovering the macro biotic layer, and the PH in the soils.
What grows in Alkaline soil and what prefers acid soil The birds came to listen, Celeste listened closely and so did the Sisters Gumnut had a vitality that was irrepressible, Which means he was mostly happy and sometimes thoughtful “In the fight for sunlight, in the dappled light, grow the ferns and those who can’t handle full sunlight Each has it’s place, the leaves above, the moss below And all moving in the seasons

Alea looked down at her hands in the soil. “Alea” said a deep soft voice in her heart.
Alea smiled “Mother” she said.
“Oh, Alea” said Raylea suddenly smiling
Alea looked at her starry eyed Sister and smiled. “Hm” she said.

Ela came out of the Cottage and said “Oh” and looked around Then touched her heart and head “Mother”
said Ela, bowing to no-one
“I felt the Mother, Ela” said Alea excitedly
“Yes, Starchild” said Ela smiling, coming to the gathering “A sweet note to end our day’s lesson, Master” she said.

“Yes, Mistress” said Gumnut The birds flew off to their nests, and theUnicorn thanked Gumnut, then disappeared into fairy dust, that slowly faded and was gone.
“Let’s wash off, Sis” said Alea “I’ll get the firewood”
“I’ll get the late eggs and the veges” said Raylea
Ela stood alone in the garden, a sense of deep peace surrounded her “Well done.Mother” said an exquisite voice in her heart Ela became teary, “Thank you Mother” she said softly, and nodded, then turned to the kitchen and asked “What do we prefer tonight?”

“Oh, I’ll try a potato bake” said Raylea “I’ll make steamed brocolli and cheese sauce” said Alea.
“I shall make strawberry delight to finish with” said Gumnut “And you, dear Mistress, shall have the night off” said Gumnut “And we shall serve Earth Mother Ela her dinner”

Ela bowed to them and smiled “As you will” she said, falling into a comfy chair “You all are a delight to me, Cool Dudes” said Ela Sparkle
“I’ve never known someone like you, Ela “ said Raylea
“Same” said Alea

“Ah” said Ela gesticulating, “Fans, at last”
Well, it was Gumnuts high little laugh that started them laughing ,and they went on and on.
Dinner took longer than usual, but was very good just the same When the dinner was cleaned away, they sat round the table

“Will you play for us, Mistress?” said Master Gumnut.
“For you, my dear, Always” said Ela going to get her harp.
As she tuned the harp, she said “I will teach you both harmony, we shall play a Neil Young song called Feel your Love”.
and she taught the Sisters their separate parts

“Ok, now, 1 2 3,.. and they sang, it was effortless to sing with Ela, and her beautiful eyes smiled as they created a beautiful ring of sound within the song
“Put the fourth on, Gumnut” said Ela and the little gnome sang Alto.
And the song remembered it’s creator and a beautiful song was uncovered again

“Oh’ sighed the Sisters, when the song was finished Ela mimed smoking a cigar, saying “Hey Chic’s, wanna go out on the road?” The Sisters laughed and Raylea said “You are so not Ela Sparkle sometimes” “This I have been told before, on some occasions” said Ela in a baritone voice The Sisters laughed again, then made some tea and sat around the table

“When did you start hearing each other” said Ela pouring tea.
Alea looked at Raylea “Was it four years old?” she said “I don’t have a memory of you not being there” said Raylea

“The Queens Scribe would have recorded it, it doesn’t matter” said Ela.
She took up the harp again “This one’s mine, it’s called Bluebells in the Mist”

The room in the cottage floated away, as Ela sang.
They saw a young girl with an armful of Bluebells staring at the shapes in the clouds, wondering who she would be.
And the listeners floated away.
Ela stopped playing, and smiled at the Soul Sisters, sitting rapt, still hearing Ela’s song.

Gumnut was fast asleep, so she carried him to his bed and tucked him in, then went to the stove and made hot chocolate
with marshmallows, made on fresh cow’s milk.
“Oh, Ela” said the Sisters together.  Ela smiled and nodded as she handed the Soul Sisters the hot chocolate drinks.

“Tomorrow is Six day holiday, and I for one, will spend it reading” said the Earth Mother
“I’m going to flop around in my dressing gown” said Raylea
Alea yawned, “I’m off to bed” she said

It took the Fire Master some time to teach Sun Fire to the Soul Sisters.
Dracon language is nothing like Evernor’s, and it’s hard to pin down, and in the end August showed more Kingcraft than Mastery of Fire to the Sisters.

“You both grow quieter” said August to the Sisters as they sat on the banks of the Moon River and watched it softly flow by “Hm” said the Sisters together “We feel the weight of the Throne, Moon” they said together
August bowed deeply to them “I serve you, Soul Sisters” he said.
The Sisters kissed his cheeks and took his hands, and they went back to the Enchanted Cottage.

In the spring of the next year, the Sisters returned to Serendipity, and in the summer, the Fire Master presented Raylea
to the Guild.
They conferred Master on the young woman, and Raylea said “Do you know the power of a Changeling”
The hall was quiet
“I suggest to you to make Prince Areon a Master, before he loses patience with you” said Raylea.
And the Master of Wind and Waves strode out of the room closing the door with a loud thud.

“I had to do that, my Queen” said Raylea.
“Yes, dear heart” said Alea as they walked away together.
The Guild of Mages did as the Master bid them, and Areon became Master Changeling that afternoon.
The Fire Master was quietly pleased