Paris the Pirate

Paris the Pirate

The water was cold and splashed noisily against the rocks along the shores of luckyme’s bay
A group of sailors stood on the thin band of sand before the rocks and the sea
“Are we all here, mister Lewin” hissed Paris
“Aye Cap’n” softly rumbled the mate
“Well, good folk” said Paris softly “Lets go for a brisk swim and pick up Freedom and head for the high seas”

The group strode into the water, and above them, the stars beamed down on the crew of the Freedom swimming for their ship

The King of Luckyme had declared a high tax and forfeiture of ship for any who did not comply with his will.
The Freedom would not comply, nor would some other ships, and all were declared pirates by the King

“I’ve left two rope ladders hanging down at the stern, Cap’n” whispered Lewin, as they swam silently towards their ship.
Paris the Pirate nodded and said softly “There’s only four guards, they swim to shore unhurt”
Lewin nodded and signalled some of the crew to follow him to the stern.

The four guards stood together, as the crew flowed over the railing and instantly surrounded the guards.
“Lay down your arms, gentlemen, and swim to shore, said Paris, “the waters not too chilly”
The very large mate stepped up beside the Captain And crossed his arms .
The weapons clattered to the deck and the guards ran for the railing and jumped into the ocean.

A guard cried out “The King will hear of this”
Lewin the mate laughed “I’m sure he will, sailor” he said and the crew laughed with him.
It was a long swim back to shore

The crew gathered around their captain in the dark
“Now”, Paris said, “We do this without lights, and they can think we disappeared.”
“Aye Cap’n” they all murmured.
“Mr Lewin” said Paris softly “Weigh anchor quietly, the tides going out, and we’ll float with her”.
“Aye Cap’n” said Lewin and took some men to weigh anchor
“When we’re out of earshot, raise your sails” said Paris quietly to the remaining crew. They all nodded and went to their duties.

Paris turned and went to his captains cabin and shut the door. After a few moments Freedom seemed to sit feather light on the water and moved like a leaf in a stream Paris came back up on deck and went to the helm “How does she feel” he whispered to the helmswoman She chuckled quietly “Like a gull on the sea, Cap’n”

“Turn her gently into the deeper current” said Paris .
“Aye Cap’n” said the helm.
Then as the Freedom turned, he went out on deck and said “The sails, if you will, good folk.”
And the crew went to work as quietly as they could.
The Freedom quickly gathered speed and did indeed, Vanish, and for some time.

The sleek two masted ship slid cleanly through the water, the ocean breeze belled her sails and her crew worked like a well-oiled machine. Lewin the mate stood with his arms folded on his huge chest, his grey eyes watched over the crew as they went about their duties.

The galley door opened and two chinese crew came out on deck carrying a small wooden chest.
They walked up the ship to the Captain standing at the bow.
Wang, the taller and darker haired crewman, bowed to their captain, and opened the wooden chest and placed five Ming pearls into the captains hand.
“They are the finest quality, captain, and will get the best price” said wang.

Paris the Pirate looked at the pearls lying in his hand. He looked up and there was a twinkle in his eyes.
Wang and Ho smiled at him “As you will, gentlemen” said Paris, “We’ll go to Wu’s, How many pearls have we got?”
“A full Sea-chest” said Wang grinning,
“Wu has a brother, Lord Teng, he is the buyer we seek, he trades with many lands, Captain.”

“Ah” said Paris, “I have heard of Teng and his magnificent gardens.
He has an Island planted with silver birch where peacocks fan themselves and Pink Flamingo’s wade in the clear blue water”

“The Unicorn of Evernor lives there” said Wang excitedly.
The crew had slowly gathered to listen “The Unicorn is the Doorkeeper for the southern Door of Evernor” said Ho nodding in agreement

“Which is, I’m told, Warded and Guarded, and is , of course, far inland, we are sailors, not explorers” said the large Mate, Mister Lewin, coming up beside the Captain
“We would not leave the Ship, Mister Lewin.” said Wang
“I know that, Wang” said the Mate.

Paris looked out over the ocean for a moment “We will trade with Wu” he said “Mister Lewin,” said the Captain,
“Take me to Wu’s port, please”
“As you will, Cap” said the Mate, then turned and shouted “Helm, Thirty five degrees, north west” “Aye sir” came the reply. And the Freedom changed course.

The crew dispersed to their duties and the Captain and the Mate were alone at the bow.
To the left of the Ship, a Dolphin leapt out of the water, Clicked, and dived down into the ocean again Paris smiled.

“That was a lucky escape last night” said the Mate with a grin The Pilot Ship for the Luckyme navy had given chase when the Pirate Ship had been sighted in the late afternoon.
And as the sun set, Paris and the Freedom slipped quietly away into the darkness

Paris smiled, “We have our ways” he said “The king of luckyme is a greedy desperate man, every year more merchants turn pirate, There are safer waters for us beyond Wu’s”

“Dinghy ahead” shouted down the lookout on the mast “And as the Freedom drew alongside, Paris saw a beautiful woman sitting in a ships dinghy, Under a parasol in the middle of the ocean.
He stopped his Ship and a crewman threw her a line, Which she deftly caught, and secured her dinghy to the Ship.

“Were you waiting for someone, Madam?” enquired Paris, looking down at the beautiful woman
“I believe I have been” answered Ele with a smile “Thank you, Captain” she said, as they lowered a rope ladder down to her.

Paris’s crew, every one of them, liked Ele straight away.
Paris thought her exquisite, but being Captain, he held his distance, and offered her his charm and good manners, instead.
Paris introduced Ele to his crew and Wang and Ho declared A Ship’s feast. The ship’s boy pulled out his pipes, while the Mate joined in and played the fiddle. The Corsican Quartet had just come back from Italy And grabbed their instruments and joined in, as well “What a marvellous Ship you have, Captain” smiled Ele

“It is, Princess” said Paris with a smile
“My father saw me as a profit, Captain,” said Princess Ele
He sent me on a ship of gold to a blind old man, the caliph of calay.
He should have chosen a better Captain than he did, and the ship is taking on water.

I was treated well enough and left where I would be found” said Ele.
She turned to the handsome young Captain and said “Would you take me to the Moon Kingdom, Captain. I would pay you very well, if you would”

“Certainly, beautiful Princess” said Paris bowing “What would you offer me, High One?”

“A dowry of gold aboard a rotten and slowly sinking ship” said Ele, “And I know it’s heading and destination.”

Paris and Ele plotted the luckyme ships course through the Island Chain and then up the coast to Emperor Wu’s.
“He takes a dangerous route to save time” said Paris “All of Luckyme will be looking for that ship”

“He was supposed to be sailing down south” said Ele “The Ship will sink with all the water inside her,
long before she reaches Wu’s lands
“Very well” said Paris “I will call my crew and we’ll discuss your offer”

“We must act now” said Paris to his crew, “She’s not far ahead, trying to find a safe channel through the Dice Stones, so we’ll go carefully, Are you in?”
“Aye” roared the crew
“Good” said Paris “Helm, take the new bearing” he said and the Freedom turned towards the Dice Stones.

Two hours later, the lookout cried “There she is!”
“This is not good” said Paris to Ele “The Ship is about to go into a dangerous channel called the Devils Stair,
and that’s a fair Tempest building out in the east The Ship will be caught in it at night, and sand bars shift here” said Paris

“We shall turn to that Island and wait out the storm, and the night.
The Tempest decended and blasted trees flat on the Islands around them, and Paris’s Ship rode like a rocking horse on the high and heavy swell.

Towards midnight, the Tempest lessened, and by three am It was gone leaving clean stars in it’s wake A clear dawn rose to reveal Paris’s Ship, Freedom, riding on a glassy sea.

The Mate had cheerfully offered his quarters to Ele. And he to bunk down with the sailors, saying he’d get time with the musicians off duty
“You are not like a conventional Ship, Captain” said Ele as she came on deck, bringing two cups of tea for them.
Paris took one cup and nodded and smiled “No, Princess we are not, and when you have a crew like them, you make them family And in doing so, I have the Ship of my dreams” said Paris smiling.

“Hm” said Ele
“Wreckage ahead” cried the crows nest
“Slow ahead” shouted Paris “All eyes on the sea”
They found a piece of railing, a tangle of canvas and spar, and a keg bobbing on the waves, and then the tip of the mast The Ship had been lifted and shattered in two on a rock called the Devils Tooth, and then the Tempest had swept the Devils Stair clean

“There were no survivors” said Paris to Ele
“The captain knew the risk” he said sadly
“Aye” said the mate looking over the side at the sunken mast tip

“How big was this dowry, Ele?” asked Paris coming to look over the side
“Five million kron” said Ele joining them, looking over the side
“Five Million” shouted the Mate
“Yes” said Ele quietly “I did say I would pay very well”

Wang and Ho came over to the railing and they both looked over the side
“Let us teach the crew to snorkel, brother” said Wang to Ho, Ho nodded

“Captain” said Wang to Paris “The gold is spread out like a fan around this rock on the sand at the bottom.
If Ho and I dive for it, it will take weeks to bring it up We offer to teach the crew to dive with a snorkel, and it would only take two days with so many sailors”

“As you will, Wang” said the Captain Paris strode down the deck shouting “Two Ships dinghy’s in the water, Two thirds of the crew in the water The rest on Ship’s standby, Mister Lewin”
“Aye Captain” said the Mate and then started shouting his own orders as he strode down the Ship.

The crew were all good swimmers, and quickly mastered breathing through a snorkel and diving, and before long there were floating sailors all around the Ship diving for Ele’s dowry, glistening in the sand and hidden in the sea fronds.
They took turns diving and loading gold on board the Freedom, and by late afternoon, two thirds of the gold had been found.

“Ele’s welcome feast that night was very lively, Three of the Corsican quartet sang Leo’s Bright New Morning among the jigs, reels and shanty songs.
The food Wang and Ho produced was superb and each sailor knew he or she need never work again, but all still remained on the Freedom.
“It’s Family init” said Jack Sprat

“Aye “ said the Mate “So we’ll be in the water at daybreak, shipmates, and we’ll find the rest of the gold and then fly before another Tempest blows through the passage. And as the Freedom sailed away, a very black Tempest began to grow along the horizon, but luckily was heading East and the uncharted open ocean.

Ele and Paris stood at the railing and looked at the sea’s horizon “I’m told Emperor Wu knows the secret entrance to the Moon Kingdom” said Ele.
“Few know that, Ele, but yes, he does” said Paris “But I know a different way, and we must restock the ship before we go there” “There is a Paradise out there, Ele, called the Isles of Eden Where fantastic creatures live with creatures of the natural world. And in the waters surrounding the Isles there is a vast ring of Magic in the ocean called the Gate and it is an entrance to Evernor.

Once we get there, I will take you to the Bridge of the Moon and introduce you to Alea, Moon’s Daughter
and Queen of the Moon Kingdom

Ele nodded her head
“As you will, Captain” said the Princess of Luckyme smiling at Paris
“Mister Lewin,” said Paris, “Assemble the crew”
“Aye Captain” said the Mate.

Paris explained the venture to the crew and added at the end “Mister Lewin becomes your captain, so I may escort our host to Evernor and then to the Moon Kingdom.” “Are you in?”
“Aye” shouted the crew
“Good” said their smiling Captain

“Mister Lewin, the Ship is yours” said Paris.
“Aye, Sir,” said Captain Lewin “And I would appreciate your assistance, Paris” said Captain Lewin smiling.

“As you will, Captain” said Paris with a wry grin.

Captain Lewin turned and spoke to the crew “My first order, Mister Able, is that you prepare me a Captains Quarters below decks. Helm, set your bearing, long thirty five degrees, Lat fourty two degrees and take me to Last Chance Island and we’ll take on supplies.”

“Aye Captain” said Able the Mate turning and calling to the crew to set the ship in motion.
The crew were well pleased with their new Captain and began to sing ships songs as they worked, which pleased their musical Captain.

“Will you both accompany me to the Captains cabin” said Captain Lewin to Paris and Ele.
“Aye” said Paris and they walked along the Ship to the Captains Quarters.
Captain Lewin closed the door behind them and poured brandy into three glasses on the table “Well done” said the Captain to Paris. “I’m proud of you.”

Paris smiled, “Thank you, Art” he said raising his glass to the Captain
“Ele,” said Paris,
“Here stands the finest sailor I’ve ever known.
My Father died of a heart attack during a vicious storm Mister Lewin carried us through that, and made a solemn vow to teach a fifteen year old boy to Captain his fathers Ship”
“He should have been Captain, it was his right, but he chose a bereaved boy instead”

“And now, young Captain, said Lewin to Paris “Will you tell this Captain how I shall find these enchanted Isles of Eden, that are only folk tales that no-one has ever seen” he sat back in his chair and looked sternly at Paris.

“I will not lead you astray, my Captain” said Paris smiling and he rose from the table and went to the wall above the Captains bed. He passed his hand over a round ring carved in the wood and a hole appeared, and reaching inside, Paris withdrew a round faceted crystal about six inches across its diameter
“This,” said Paris to Ele and the Captain “Is the crystal globe of Gaia, it’s twin is the globe that is formed when Alea’s four crystal pieces join together

“The crystal globe is also a compass for finding the Isles of Eden.”
Paris placed the crystal on the Captains table, Captain Lewin picked up the crystal and looked at Paris
“This is the power key for the keel, isn’t it” said the Captain.

Paris nodded, “Aye, Captain” he said looking at Ele
“My Father and I knew a little man called Ixt He gave the crystal to my father and I and told us about an old history of the Freedom before it was gifted to my Father. His benefactor was someone called the Great Thought and this Ship has an anti-magnetic keel as part of it’s ship’s structure. ”
“In essence, when the crystal globe is inserted in the keels keyhole, this Ship will fly”

“And we will not do that unless I say so” said Captain Lewin
“Aye Captain” said Paris and Ele together smiling
“Good” said Captain Lewin sternly
“Now, how do I use this as a compass, Paris?”

“Like this” said Paris pressing a facet on the crystal. They restocked the Ship at last chance Island, paying high prices for the goods, then they sailed due north, and then north east for eight days The water grew warmer and the ocean grew phospherous at night, the water was tinged with soft blue and green lights as the Ship cut through the misty field .
The crystal globe of Gaia led them straight and true through the unknown seas toward the Isles of Eden.
Two cyclones followed them, one to the left and one to the right, and in front, huge water tornados seemed to part to allow the Freedom safe passage through them

. On the morning of the tenth day, they ran into a sea fog so dense that the Captain called the ship to a halt as the breeze died away, leaving them becalmed in the fog to wait for wind.
Later that night a light breeze blew the fog to tatters to reveal the ocean lit with bright phosphorescent mist curling across the water surface.
Here and there sparks of light flew around the ship and alighted on the rigging
“They are sea sprites, Ele” said Paris as he stood beside her at the Ships railing
“And that means we draw near to the Isles of Eden.

A large pod of Dolphin surfaced and nodded at the ship, then followed it, some surfing the bow wave of the Freedom.
The water slowly grew shallower, and Captain Lewin called “Slow ahead” and called for sailors to take depth of water measurements, when one sailor cried out “Mer, I saw a Mer” and suddenly hundreds of Mer surfaced and surrounded the Ship.

Mermaids and Mermen looked at the ship.
One Female and three Males shot out of the water and landed on the Ship’s deck, assumed human form and bowed to Paris.

“Welcome home, High One” said the Mermaid to Paris
“Thank you, Aqua” said Paris nodding “Ele, may I present to you, Aqua, Mother Advisor of the Mer Nation.

Captain Lewin’s mouth was hanging open and his eyes were large as he processed his Captain suddenly having Royal Sea status. “Sorry Art” said Paris ‘It’s not my story to tell
” “And now we are here, my Captain”, he continued
“The ships ownership, Captain, what would you require?”

“Sixty Forty, my way” said Captain Lewin looking sternly at Paris .

Paris took some time to answer, then smiled “As you will, Captain” said Paris and shook the Captains hand to seal the contract
“I really own her” said Art Lewin quietly
“You do, Art, and she’s in good hands” said Paris.

Aqua said something in Mer to Paris and he nodded
“We are fortunate again, Ele” said Paris
” Aqua tells me Queen Alea, the Daughter of the Moon seeks The crystal globe of Gaia, I will introduce you to her when we take the crystal globe to the Moon Kingdom”

“That would please me” said Ele to the young noble Captain
“I’m glad it does” said Paris looking into Ele’s eyes and smiling
“Mm” said Ele and blushed

Two more Mer landed on deck, each carried a floating ring Aqua bowed and said “Our Queen gifts you with these travel devices and bids you to come to Shape Island with us, High One”
“We will” said Paris and he turned back to the crew Captain Lewin, said Paris, “when I have need of you, I shall find you.” said Paris

“Aye my noble Captain, said Lewin, I’ll take Freedom home and get on with it, for us..
“Aye” said Paris with a smile.
Paris turned to Ele “My Lady, may I teach you Hover Ring?”
“My Lord, you may” said Ele excitedly

And in a short time they were rising together into the air,
Paris held Ele’s hand as they moved away from the Ship,
then flew some three feet above the ocean following the Mer and the Dolphins in the water below them

“It is very demanding being Captain” said Paris to Ele He must think for all and never himself”. “I would have gifted the Freedom to Art, but he would have none of it, he made me take forty percent to not lose me”

“And who is your Mother, handsome young Prince” said Ele as she floated closer
“High Queen Siren, daughter of Neptune” said Paris with a shrug and a wry grin
“Neptune” she softly exclaimed Paris grinned and nodded
“Do you know you have the most beautiful eyes” said Paris
“I’ve wanted to say that to you ever since I met you” he said taking her hand “What do you want to do with your life, Ele” he asked

“Maybe to spend my life with a noble Sea Captain” said Ele reaching over and sensuously kissing him.
Later, Paris produced a spark of light out of his pocket and spoke into it “Tharg” he said It’s..”

“Paris” exclaimed Tharg, “ My Man, Where are you?”
“I’m coming to Shape, can I use the Beach house” said Paris.
“Of course, can you come to the valley later, love to see you, bro” said Tharg.
“Same” said Paris and put the sparkle back in his pocket.

“Have you ever been to Evernor, my Lady” enquired Paris .
“No delicious man, I have not.
“Good” said Paris smiling
“I’ve waited for you all my life” said Paris softly gazing deep into Ele’s eyes
“Mm” said Ele, as Shape Island grew slowly on the horizon.

The Mer waved good-bye to Paris and Ele as they approached the Beach house and they landed on the lawn at the entrance.
The staff were waiting for them and gave them a discreet lunch, then gave the Guests privacy until called for.
It was mid morning of the next day before a soft hum beside the bed woke Paris, who picked up the spark of light.

“Hello Paris, my dear, it’s Alea, can you visit me” she said.
“Yes Alea,” said Paris “We will come”
“Call me when you are able, and I’ll open the gate to Evernor”
“As you will, Daughter of the Moon’ said Paris and ended the communication between them.

Ele and Paris bathed in the pool and were served coffee and croissants with fruit compote when they emerged from the water.
Paris bowed to one of the staff
“Thank you for your service, High One.” he said.
Toreana laughed and bowed.
“Ele” said Paris, “This splendid woman is Thargs sister, Toreana”
Toreana bowed

“Thank you, sister” said Ele and returned the bow, taking Toreanas hand.
“Oh” they both said together “There’s shape in you” said Toreana in surprise.
“Yes, you can imagine how a shape shifter as Princess of Luckyme would be seen” said Ele with a chuckle.
Toreana giggled, “You’re family” she said and kissed her cheek
“Yes, sister” said Ele and smiled.
“And we’d better leave soon” said Paris taking Toreana’s hand “Thank you again, dear heart, do you have a spark?” he said, Toreana shook her head “I will give you mine” he said handing her his spark.

Paris and Ele heard laughter coming from the garden, And curious to know who it was, they walked onto the garden balcony.
Siren and Night’s Mistress were walking towards them, Arm in arm.
Night’s Mistress had been telling the Queen about the latest scandal in court, and were both laughing.

Siren waved and Night’s Mistress said “Paris, my dear, Iv’e missed you”
“Iv’e missed you too, my son” said Siren the Mer Queen
“Welcome to shape island, Princess Ele, and welcome to our family.”

Siren took Ele’s hand, and Ele smiled at the Queen “Thank you High One” she said and curtsied to the Queen.
“Oh Siren” said Night’s Mistress, “Royal fuss is so boring, Let’s party, chick”
Siren laughed and hugged Ele.

“Hello, Mum” said Paris hugging the Queen “How’s Grandpa?”
“Neptune has forgiven your impetuous youthfulness and wishes to see you when you are able, my child”

“Paris” said Night’s Mistress, “Would you and Ele come to my little party, and would you sail Amadawn for us,
as a favour to your Aunty?”
Ele nodded as Paris looked at her “Yes, aunty Eva, we shall” said Paris taking her hand.

“Splendid” said Night’s Mistress “Oh the time, I must fly” she said, as her swans arrived and honked to her overhead
A Merman came and spoke softly to Siren, and she nodded “I too, must leave, my beautiful couple, come and see me when you can” and she left with her Merman.

Paris brought both floating rings into the garden and said “Ele, I think there’s a faster way to go to the Moon Kingdom than this” Paris stood still, “Mother” he said A phantom voice answered. “Yes Paris” said Siren “I will need another spark, please” he said holding out his hand “Of course” said Siren and a spark appeared in Paris’s hand “Thank you High one” said Paris breaking contact

Paris passed his hand over the spark and said “Alea?” “Can you bring us with a facet to Moon?”
“Oh yes dear, a better solution, and quicker, go down to the jetty, I will pick you up there, bring the floating rings, sorry dear, have to go, see you soon” and Alea disconnected

“What’s an Amadawn?” said Ele as they walked hand in hand down the path to the jetty “It’s a flying ship, Ele” said Paris “I learnt how to sail her, because Freedom can fly as well but Amadawn is a true flying ship, spell wrought and it has animated timber with an anti-magnetic Meridium keel.”

Ele and Paris watched the fish swimming in slow coloured ribbons around the underwater poles of the jetty.
Suddenly Alea was there before them “Hello dears, take my hands, and.. “Off we go” she said as they materialized in the dining room of the Moon Palace.

“Princess Ele” said Anna bowing, “How lovely to see you again”
“Lady Anna, I met you at Wu’s” said Ele smiling.
“Yes” said Anna
“Hello” said Alea taking ELe’s hand, “You must forgive me, dear, I have to go, my Chancellor needs me.
I wil share a meal with you both later”, and kissing Ele’s cheek, she strode from the room.

“My Man”, said Tharg, as he and Raylea came into the room.
“Lord Tharg” said Paris smiling, and bowed to Raylea, and said “Master”
Raylea giggled and hugged Paris, then Ele, then all turned as the Queen and Chancellor entered

“I can accommodate them, High One, and I can handle the rest Please take the day off, my Queen” said the Chancellor “And when do you sleep, Len” said Alea
“Please” said the Chancellor.
“My Queen,’ said Anna bowing “Shall I prepare a meal for our guests?”
“If you would, please, dear” said Alea coming over to Ele and hugging her
“Crowns, who’d have em” said the Moon Queen.
Ele laughed.
“And who is this beautiful flower you have brought to my court, Prince Paris?” said Alea
“The love of my life, Queen Alea, may I present Princess Ele of Luckyme” said Paris smiling at Ele.

“Welcome, sister, to my lands and my sanctuary” said the Moon Queen.
“Thank you, my Queen” said Ele smiling.
Anna’s skill at presenting a banquet at short notice was deftly supported by Betty the head chef and her excellent staff.

Ele sat beside Alea, and Paris sat on the other side “I hear you will captain the Amadawn to the grand feast,
Paris my dear” said Alea

“Yes Moon, we will attend the grand event” said Paris smiling at Ele
“I hear Neptune will attend” said Alea
“Yes, Moon” said Paris wryly, “Apparently I have been forgiven”
Alea chuckled softly, “All is well, then” she said.

“I have brought the crystal sphere, Moon” said Paris taking it out of a small bag and handing it to her.
And before anyone could say another word, the three remaining crystals burst out of the wooden chest they were contained in, along with the crystal in Alea’s pocket which tore off.
All four crystals floated high up near the ceiling, North, South East and West,
and at the exact centre floated the crystal globe of Gaia.

“Damn” said Alea softly to herself, “I hadn’t thought of that”
When the wooden chest had exploded, both Raylea and Tharg had sprung to Alea’s side. “High One” said Tharg looking around warily
“Peace, Trueheart” said Alea “They are both merely keys trying to be in the same place at the same time, there is no danger,
my dears but I will need Ixt to help me undo this.” Alea drew out a spark from her other pocket and waved her hand over it “Ixt, my dear” said Alea.

“Yes, Moons Daughter” said Ixt
“I will need your assistance in the dining room, please” said Alea.
“At once High One” said Ixt, and a moment later, Ixt walked into the room
“Oh my, how did you do that” said Ixt

“I didn’t, they did it by themselves, of their own accord” said Alea.
The four quarter crystals and the crystal globe of Gaia began to hum.
“Oh dear” said Ixt

There was a flash of light, and the Chimera of Dreams stepped out with Eloise.
The Chimera turned her eyes that looked like blue universes on Alea “Starchild” said the Chimera,
“No two realities can be in the same place and time.” The Chimera held out her paw, the crystal globe floated down to land on it, and Eloise took it and laid it at their feet, and then beckoning to the four remaining crystals, they too landed on the Chimera’s paw and Eloise took them as well and laid them beside the crystal globe Eloise gave her best bow to Queen Alea, then they turned and vanished..

The crystals remained sparkling on the floor.
“Are they safe, Ixt” asked Alea
Ixt walked over and he placed a hand on the crystal globe and looked at the Queen
“Yes, High One” said Ixt “
“The Chimera has neutralized the crystals, and I know how to activate them again,
I think it would be safer if we take the keel key back to where it belongs on the Freedom”

“Hm” said the Queen, “As you will, Ixt”
Paris turned to Alea “I will need to accompany the crystal globe, Moon, It is keyed into my dna, the crystal will not activate if I am not present.” said Paris He looked at Ele beside him. “Yes dear” she said “ I will come with you”

“As you will, Paris” said the Moon Queen “Keep our loved ones safe, my dears” she said to Raylea and Tharg They both bowed to their Queen “We shall, High One” said That.

“How do you propose to travel to the Freedom, Ixt” asked the Moon Queen.
Ixt had been looking at the hieroglyphs and numbers displayed inside the crystal globe, and turned to Alea as she spoke
“My crystal door cannot lock onto a moving destination, High One” said Ixt.

“Could we use the Amadawn?” asked the Queen.
The flying ship had been a gift to Evernor given by Deep Thought long ago,
and was mostly used by the Kings and Queens as a party vessel.

Alea drew out a spark from a pocket and passed her hand over it “Amos, my dear,” said Alea “Yes, my Queen” answered the Amadawns shape island Captain “Would you bring Amadawn to Moon’s Palace, please” said the Moon Queen.
“As you will, High One” said Amos, disconnecting.
The Amadawn changed course and headed for the Moon Kingdoms coast.
Amos turned to Toreana standing beside him “It is an honor to have you sail with us, High One” He said smiling Toreana nodded and smiled “Thank you, Captain” she said.

The Amadawn flew across the country to the Moon Palace and moored to the first floor balcony “Hey Chic!” said Toreana.
Raylea struck a pose, smiling, Toreana laughed “Lady Toreana” said the Moon Queen coming onto the Balcony

“The Kings and Queens send their love to you, Moons Daughter” said Toreana bowing to Alea.
Alea smiled and nodded.
Raylea and Tharg came to the Moon Queen, And Alea said “Take care of our People, True Hearts”
They both bowed, “Yes High One” they said together
The Queen moved to the balcony rail, where Ele and Paris watched the movement of cargo onto the ship.

“Do you wish to go to Luckyme, Ele?” “I would, Sister” said Ele “And will you return?” asked the Queen “Yes, sweet Sister, I will”” said Ele smiling and kissed her cheek.
“Good” said the Queen.
“So, my dear” said Alea to Paris “Will you lead our folk?”
Paris smiled, “Yes, High One”, though Amon needs no sheparding, he shall captain Amadawn.

“As you will, Paris” said Alea.
They let go of the lines, and Amadawn lifted two hundred feet And caught the Western breeze.

“We leave Royal Fuss at the Palace” said Paris.
“Aye” said the crew.
Paris took out the crystal globe, “Captain Omon” said Paris “This is the power key of the Freedom, it will show us where the Freedom is.”

He passed his hand over the globe which displayed a map of the Island Chain with a pulsing blue dot showing the ships position
“I have never seen such a thing” said Captain Amon and Paris gave him the Crystal Globe of Gaia.
“A Power Key” said the Captain turning it over in his fingers.

“Yes, Amon, It’s a different technology to Amadawn’s” said paris.
“Aye” said the Captain intrigued

“I do not need a power key” said the Amadawn sternly.
“Ship” said Amon, “No offence was meant”
“Hm” said the Amadawn

“Amadawn?” said Paris ,
“Yes, my Prince” said Amadawn.
“Can you chart for me a course to Bard Island?” said Paris
“I can, my Prince” said the ship
“Do so, please”
“Yes, High One” said Amadawn, “And may I suggest at one thousand feet, the Westerly is strongest there.”
“My thanks, Ship” said Amon, and the mate bellowed his orders.

Ele and Paris stood at the railing
“Amadawn and her sister ship Aolie, were built by the Andamans many thousands of years ago” said Paris looking at Ele “Amadawns crew died of a fever that swept the ship, And she roamed rudderless as a Ghost Ship A huge storm thrust her deep into the weeds of the Sargasso Sea, and the weeds bound her

Both Aolie and Amadawn were made of Wizard Wood the wood that does not age so she lived on for many years Eventually Deep Thought found her and brought her back to Evernor.
Quaan the Artifice and Deep Thought woke the Ship and gave her a Meridian Keel, she is the only ship that speaks, and she is independent of the Miasma’ said Paris proudly.

“Hm” said the ship.
Raylea brushed her hand on the railing and smiled
“My Queen” said Amadawn Ele bowed her head .

After a six days voyage, the reef’s and small islands around Bard could be seen.
Omon lowered the Ship to ten feet above the tide, and as they came to Bard Island wharf, Amadawn settled in the sea
and tied up. A crowd quickly gathered on the wharf to see the amazing ship.

“Paris” said a voice in the crowd.
“Gingerbeard” said Paris
“Aye” said the voice in the crowd.
“Excuse me, Madam said Gingerbeard struggling to get through the crowd After a moment, he stood beside Paris on the deck “Matreya” said Gingerbeard bowing to Ele.
She smiled “Hey, Ging” she said taking his hand “What’s news” She said to the former pirate.

“Some of the people have moved to the islands, Matreya” said Gingerbeard There are small towns on Old Settlement and Hope islands Emperor Wu has given Maya Isand to Teng to make a wilderness refuge, prosperity comes back to Luckyme, Matreya”

“Good” smiled the Matreya.
“Oh, this marvellous Ship” said Gingerbeard looking around at the carven Wizardwood workmanship
Paris took out a light spark and passed his hand over it
“Art” he said There was a fumble and then Captain Lewin said “Paris!”

“Hey shipmate” said Paris, “Where are you?”
“Just north of Tea Island, where are you?” said Lewin.
“We’re on Bard Island, come on up Cap’n” said Paris.
“Aye” said Art Lewin smiling and disconnected.

Five hours later, the Freedom docked joyfully as the crew saw the festivities in progress and joined in.
A loud cheer rand out as the Corsican Quartet came down the gang plank.
Wang and Ho struggled down with an enormous cauldron of stew followed by more food
Captain Lewin came last to be cuddled by Ele and then Paris

“Art” said Paris smiling.
Captain Lewin smiled “You wouldn’t believe how much we sold those pearls for” he said grinning.
“Dude” said Paris
“We took the gold to Wu’s biggest bank” said Art Lewin “And the dividend takes care of the entire crew, you have been voted crew member, Matreya” said the Captain smiling.
“Thank you” said Ele to the ships crew and they all cheered.

Gingerbeard came back with a tray of drinks.
“How is the council, Ging” said Ele “And how are the Guilds faring?”
“The People are not to be trifled with, Matreya, They drastically cut away the corrupt wood in the Council, and would have taken it further, but for your words, Matreya.

“I will have peace” said the Matreya
All bowed to her “Yes, Matreya” they all said.
“The Guilds have suffered, Matreya” said Gingerbeard.
“So many apprentices left, and the Old Masters fade away.
We need the apprentices, Matreya” he said.

“Hm” said Ele “I’ll go to the firm, and seek assistance”
“And on the whole, Ging, how are we?”

“Matreya” smiled Gingerbeard “You are truly loved by your People.”
Ele smiled and nodded, Paris discreetly took her hand and smiled.
“How many People left Luckyme for the Island Chain?” asked Ele.

“It’s hard to say, Matreya, maybe two hundred thousand” said Gingerbeard “We all made many trips taking them to the Islands, and now the Islands thrive, Matreya.
“Hm” said the Matreya nodding
“Many of the Masters moved to the Islands, Matreya The Artists Guild have moved to Hope Scupting, Stone and Glass Guilds are down on Pants Island, and Old Settlement has Music Acting and Performance,
“All the Islands grow produce, Matreya, and they trade with Luckyme, The Sea routes are open, Luckyme prospers, Matreya” said Gingerbeard smiling

“Good” said Ele. Paris leaned over to Art Lewin “Can we have a quiet chat” he said softly.
Art nodded slowly, and left the gathering around the Amadawn.
Art stood looking at the Sea, and turned as paris approached.
They stood looking at the night tide “The power key has to stay on the ship, Art” said Paris and he told him about the crystals floating in the Moon Palace.
“Aye” said Art Lewin, I’ll need to know it then” he said as Paris gave him The crystal globe. Ele came and stood beside them.

“Let’s go to the Freedom” said Paris and the three walked along the long jetty to Freedom moored at its end.
The night watch welcomed them aboard and they went to The Captains cabin.
Art closed the door behind him Paris placed the crystal globe in the centre of the bed
“Power on” said Paris to the Crystal. And between the bed and the roof became a soft cube of light With Freedom floating in its centre “The Power Key connects us to the Miasma” said Paris.

Art nodded and remembered Paris telling him of the energy sphere around Evernor called Miasma.
“Displayed in 3D spatial” said Ele
“Yes” said Paris “You can access the Planets maps, Art, every Sea, every land mass, in great detail”

“Miasma” said Paris to the room “Yes, my Prince” said a disembodied voice in the air.
“Please scan Art Lewin, and add the files to Freedoms memory.”
“Yes, High One” said Miasma.

“Power down, Miasma” said Paris and the cube of light shut off.
“Your DNA sequence is now part of Freedom, Art” said Paris smiling “Isn’t it, Freedom” he said to the room.
“It is” said the ship “Greetings, Captain Lewin” said the Freedom.

“Oh” said Art sitting down on the bed, astonished “And you speak!” said Art Lewin.
“I do, my Captain” said the Freedom “But only to the Captain”
“Hm, as you will, Ship” said Captain Lewin.

“Shall we rejoin the party” said Ele taking Paris’s hand Paris smiled at his love.
“We have to return to Moon Kingdom, Art” said Paris as they walked down the gang plank.
“As you will, Partner” said Art.

“Queen Alea offers Freedom exclusive rights to trade gems and perfumes in Wu’s Kingdom and the Island Chain, Art” said Ele “She insisted that the contract be with the Freedom and no other”
Captain Lewin smiled “Please thank our Queen, Matreya, The Freedom would be honoured.