
It all started when a young goblin called Deft, gave an old goblin called Argen, a flower, a blue one.
It stopped the old goblin in his tracks, as he looked at the flower lying in his claw.
“Peace” said Deft to the old goblin, Argen smiled.
“The humans call this feeling happiness” he said to the young goblin. Deft smiled and nodded.


The Outright Lie

Ben Dabull was, simply, very ordinary.
He looked ordinary, he felt ordinary.
He went to work, he came home, he ate and he slept in an ordinary way.
Most of his leasure time was consumed by the mind numbingly banal television that he watched.
Like cop shows in case you thought you might,.. and Star shows,
so far removed from music to make it more circus than music.
But Ben just kept watching, ordinarily.

In the media business, he was known as a good punter.
And he was, until a little man placed a newspaper in his hand, as they were passing each other at a train station.
Ben Dabull looked down at the paper in his hand, then turned around, but no-one was to be seen in the crowd.
He looked down at the newspaper in his hand and read it’s title, “The Outright Lie” emblazoned on the front page.
A newspaper of goblin origin, apparently.

“Wupert”, he, with the bum kicking boot, and the very loud voice, was the editor of his paper, “The Outright Lie.”
Now, in Goblindom, everything is a lie, and the newspaper documents every one, leaving no stone unturned in the process,
and when every lie is uncovered, it leaves truth as its foundation.
Which, of course, the goblins discard as unimportant.
But not so for humans, who are always seeking the truth.

The newspaper, itself is made by goblins, so the paper is animated, and can interact with it’s reader.
Ben read the paper, and his whole life changed as he read it.
When he read the last word on the last page, he closed the paper And said “Thought so”,
and turning off the TV, he began to pack his backpack.
He wrote a note to work saying he was leaving, and left to find the lost Bagala Pygmies of Evernor.

“Wupert was fuming. He’d eaten crankle berries for breakfast, so he arrived at work already “Touchy.”
The whole building heard the “What”, as he was told “The Outright Lie was, er, misplaced somehow to Earth” said an underlings underling cowering.
“Oh my” said Wupert quietly to himself.
“Who’s read it” shouted Wupert, the colour of his skin changing from green to red, his eyes sparkled with fire
and puff’s of steam escaped from his elongated ears.
The underling prostrated himself at Wupert’s feet.
“Only one, your Extravagance” said the underling into Wupert’s very expensive carpet.
“A human called Ben Dabull”

Hm, said Wupert looking up “We’ll be needing Light Fingers Lenny’s handiwork” said Wupert to the room.
“And if Downstairs hears even a whisper, it’ll be your phones, understand, Now, get me Lenny” said the Extravagant one.

‘Lenny down the lane’ was not your usual sort of person.
He could hear voices from Evernor in his mind, and if he jumped backwards while kicking his feet,
and singing, “Oh, me mother was a dancer”, he transfigured himself to goblindom in the hidden realm of Evernor.
Lenny was also a pickpocket, and was very poor, like all the others who lived around him.
The Caliph of Calay had no care of his subjects at all.

In the Masters Hall of the Goblin Palace is a very large mirror called the Mirror of Sulamon,
and for those who can see, The Mirror tells many stories.
None of the goblins can see, so to them, it’s just a big mirror.
But not so to Wupert, and Lenny, who whispered to each other,
then both left quietly, Lenny on one side of the Mirror,
and Wupert on the other side, in the Masters Hall slipping silently away.

Lenny found Ben Dabull stepping onto a boat bound for Emperor Wu’s Kingdom,
and relieved Ben of his newspaper without Ben noticing a thing.
But a word caught Lenny’s eye, and before he knew it, he’d read it top to tail.
“Oo er, this things dangerous” said Lenny as he jumped to Goblindom.
“I’m done with this” said Lenny as he handed the Outright Lie to Wupert
“As you will, human” said the Goblin, and turned and left the Masters Hall in the Goblin Palace
Lenny never jumped to goblindom again, instead, he built up cottage industries for the folk around him,
now not so poor.


Night time Surfers

Up ahead, dark against the night sky, loomed Mangle Rocks.
Undercurrents, surge waves and salt laden spray made surfing this headland irresistible to goblin night-time surfers.
They love to surf close to the rocks that ‘oh so hurt,
when you hit them.
A wedgy is when a goblin hits the rocks and gets stuck in a crack,
which is why surfboards have to be made tough, eh!

Org splashed through the shallows with his board under his arm.
The stars hung like huge lanterns in the night sky.
He watched the wave sets forming, and looking up, he saw a goblin standing waiting for him,
his surfboard stuck upright in the sand.

Narg held up a copy of the Outright Lie, Goblindoms hard hitting newspaper.
“Says here” said Narg, “Gazonka the Fridge has recorded the song “Rock head surfers”,
in honour of the five who went down at Mangle Rocks.
“And he’s calling us the Nighties” Org scowled.
“He’s going to get the rotten Bandango fruit at the next Barkfest gig” said Narg.

“Is Guzz coming tonight?” asked Narg.
“Nah” said Org, “But I pinched some Ja Jubi Juice from his imp, Snee.”
“Hah” said Narg, “That’ll make him froth.”
“Yeth” said Org and they both grunted in laughter.
“There’s a gale forcast for tonight with big swells” said Org.
“Great” said Narg, “Race you in.”


The Opening Spell

Goblins have been trying, seemingly forever, to create the Opening Spell,
and in the end, there were Dark Warlocks, Spirits, and even a fourth level Demon who dropped up for a chat.
“Good work, Boiz” was his parting remark.

In the Palace of Goblindom, there is a large room filled with every kind of potion, magically imbued device, plant, fungi,
books, all kind of magical jewels, Medallions, Hoods or Shoes, used solely for the finding of the one simple spell,
“The Spell of Opening” the Grand Goblins obsession.
The spell is simple, it opens from one place to another, from anywhere to anywhere,
Being simple does not make it easy to create, though.

Arfa was a competitive musician, and desired the spot where Gazonka the Fridge currently sat.
He also knew of a medallion called the Eye of Charm which gave the wearer a glamour,
and it was in the large room in the Grand Goblins Palace, where He, the Leader, lived,
with his Trolls and Basalisks, Orcs and Gargoyles, Raptors and such, oh, and all his faithfull Goblins and Imps, as well.

So Arfa went very carefully to the large room and tiptoed around in the dark until he found the Eye of Charm.
“It’s all good” he thought to himself.
It was tip-toeing back out again, and stepping on a black cats tail, that caused the stumble,
then a crash, and some popping of escaping energy.
Then the really loud bang, and lots of broken glass, and bookshelves falling over and spells backfiring around the room.
And then the great doors burst open, the Grand Goblin stormed in and declared “Wot’s going on ere, then?”

He stopped short, as he gazed at the silver ring hanging in the air above Arfa’s head.
“Well, I’ll be” muttered his Lowliness. The slender silver ring was as wide as Arfa was tall, and him being short, well.
Arfa stood up, dusted himself down, adjusted the Medallion he wore, and said
“Good evening, your Extravagance, you must excuse me, I am called away”

The Grand Goblin looked at the Eye of Charm and said sleepily “Yes, of course”, and Arfa was gone in a flash.
“Ooh” said the Grand Goblin looking at the slender ring.
“Ooh” said all the other goblins and imps enthusiastically.
“Well,” said the Grand Goblin smiling.

“The Opening Spell” said all the Goblins and Imps together, and every one of them lunged for the floating ring,
which easily evaded them, then shrank a little in size.
“Wait” roared the Grand Goblin and everyone froze in the room.
“Don’t go” said the Grand Goblin woefully.

The ring shrank a little more, then more.
“How do we make,..”
Pop! went the ring and disappeared.

“You” shouted the Grand Goblin, looking at where the ring had been, then he looked around himself,
at all the ruin in the room.
Then he grew very big and roared, “Who did this ?”

“Now I was doing some night time fishing,” said August to Ixt.
“The mullet were running upstream, so the boat had a light,.. to attract the fish,..
when a Goblin called out to me from the shore, asking me to take him to the other side,
because half of Goblindom was looking for him.

“I rowed over, and he said he’d give me anything if I would take him across to the other side”
“I asked him, Even that necklace you are wearing?”
“Yes” said the Goblin “It doesn’t work anyway” he said as he took it off and gave it to me.”
“I took him to the other side of the river” said August “But where can he go, there’s only Goblindom”
“I’m told the Opening Spell has shut in Goblindom” “and here, Ixt, is Sulamon’s Eye of Charm” said August placing it in the little man’s hand.
“Marvellous Fellow” cried Ixt happily.
“He is, isn’t he” said the Moon Queen looking at her Fire Master

 Later that night, the Grand Goblin addressed the assembled Goblins, Very drunk, (Toggled to the eyeballs, in fact).
He had been secretly drinking Ja Jubi Juice all along, while banning its use.
He said “Aah resign,” and fell down the stairs and went to sleep.
He had ruled Goblindom for forty years.
Downstairs was not happy, so they sent Thum, and he settled everyone. and it was business as usual.

“Grand Goblin” said Thum, to the former ruler of Goblindom.
“I am told an Imp named Snee has gone over the wall, with fairy assistance, as well.
How many others have gone over the wall, Grand?
“I’m not sure, your Impertinence” said the Grand Goblin wringing his hands together and looking afraid.
“Not sure” said Thum archly.
“Downstairs is very sure, Grand, so you will go to the seventh level, and the Basilisk can keep an eye on you.
“Off you go now, Grand, there is no Ja Jubi Juice on the seventh level, or any other level, nor water, either”

Thum was a laid back Demon, he loved Barkfest Gig’s, and he played sly drool on guitar.
Downstairs thought the Grand Goblin’s rule was too constricted and obsessive, so Thum was told to rule light and laid-back 

Goblins sometimes reach seven feet tall and trolls can reach ten feet, and when they have been drinking Ja Jubi Juice,
“Which is still illegal” said Downstairs, “Astronomical repair bills” was given as the reason why.
The Barkfest’s continued, bigger than ever, including “Hidden Swipe Pipe” at the venue.


Arfa and The Violin.

Arfa had formed a band who only played Sly drool.
He wasn’t getting many gigs, and the crowd kept calling for him to play Hard Fin and to come back to night surfing.
Downstairs seemed to have forgotten about the explosion, and the Opening Spell, and Arfa was grateful.
“Shame the charm didn’t work” he thought to himself.
He kept the part about the unicorn to himself.

The reason why Wupert, the editor of the Outright Lie, had not heard the explosion,
was because the Goblin Palace is so huge.
Some corridors go on for miles, with halls and huge hearths and palacial rooms for Downstairs,
if they were to choose to come and visit. “Which they do not choose.”

Wupert was steaming and his eyes had glints of green flame in them.
“Why” he exploded “wasn’t I told about the Opening Spell, and it happened two days ago.”

 Arfa’s violin and the aquiring of said violin was, Truly, that Arfa found it behind a Rock, one day!.. while he was taking a Walk, and happened to Find a human violin, and didn’t tell anyone but the Band Members about it.
Brutus played a mean bass guitar in the Nighties, and worked in the Candle Factory between gigs.
Brutus’s brother, Bender, played keys and sometimes backed Arfa on guitar.

“Arfa!” Yes, he was short for a frontman in a heavy metal grunk group.
“So wot” said Arfa hotly.
Now, being a violin in Goblindom, it had it’s own energy and thoughts on things.
The Band, the Nighties had a huge hit with their song “Wot’s that wiggling in my drink”
and were splashed all over Goblindom for it, by Wupert of the Outright Lie.

The Followers of Ja Jubi had sponsored the recording of the Nighties song,
but Gazonka the Fridge had gotten his tail in a twist over it, and quit showbiz.
“Until he got a Million” which regretfully, Ja Jubi paid, eventually.

Thor Galore created Drums and Percussion for the Nighties, and was best friends with Bender and Brutus.
He was currently studying entry level Devilry, but believed in the band more, so he skipped classes to jam with his mates, thinking he could continue when the gigs dropped off.

“Let’s string it with Spell Strings” said Arfa holding the violin up to the band.
“Do you know how to?” said Brutus, looking sceptically at the violin.
It seemed a strange instrument to him.
“Surfboards were simpler” he thought, “And Bass is too.”

“I nicked the How to, Spell book from the Great Hall library, but I’ve got to take it back tonight before it is missed” said Arfa After turning Bender accidently into a toad, then back again, Arfa found the Spell for strings.
He laid the violin on the floor, drew a rough pentagram around it with Wizard chalk and carefully intoned the Spell.

The Violin flashed, and Spell strings appeared glittering with blue fire along it’s length.
“Oo er” said Arfa, “Dunno about this”
It is said that violins have a voice, when played by a Master Musician.
Arfa was not a Master Musician, he was a goblin. So when he picked up the bow of the violin,
the strings started humming, and blue fire crackled along it’s length.
“Oo er” said Arfa.
“Garn Arfa” said Brutus, daring him, “Ave a go”

Arfa touched the bow to the violin strings, then went rigid, like a statue, then his whole body glowed with blue fire.
The fire arced across like electricity to catch Brutus, who went all gooey, and smiled.
Bender was caught before he could even think of the door to escape, and Thor Galore said
“What about me” just before the blue energy hit him.
Then he sat carefully down.

“Hello” said the violin, The Nighties all did the fawning thing, then the hand thing, then all said “Yo!” together.
Then they all looked at the violin.
“You can speak” said Bender in amazement.

“Yes, I can” said Stephane Grapelli, “So can I” said Vivaldi, “But made by me” said Stradivarius with a chuckle.
“Oo er” said Arfa, unable to let go of the violin.
“Excuse me” said a refined womans voice.
“Oh, the owner” said Stradivarius quietly.

“One thinks we have stuffed up, landing in Goblindom, Stradi” said the refined womans voice.
“A mere technicality, my Lady” said Stephane Grapelli “Quickly remedied” said Stephane to Stradivarius
“Yes, yes” said the violin maker quickly.

“How” quizzed the refined voice “Um” said Stephane “Er” said Stradi “We could, er” said Vivaldi.
“Wot Are You” said Arfa, hotly,  “and can I put you down, Please”
“Oh yes, sorry” said Stradi, and Arfa laid the violin on the floor.

“We are servants of the Muse, said the refined voice.
” Embodied in, How shall one say it, Stradi?”
“For each builder of fine instruments, there is one, my Lady, one magical one, this one” said the Master Maker of violins.
“And it has found you, Arfa, said Stradivarius.

“One would like to see Evernor, Arfa of the Nighties” said her Ladyship.
“We could play at Madamoiselle Patisserre’s” said Stephane Grapelli “maybe Django will be there”

“Ere, ang on” said Arfa “That’s going over the wall”
“It is, isn’t it” said the refined voice chucking.
“Downstairs wasn’t happy about Snee going over the wall” said Arfa.

“No, they weren’t” said the refined voice sadly There was a pause for a moment.
“Will you take us to Evernor, Nighties” she asked again.
“Yo” said the nighties, fisting the air.
“Cool” said the refined voice.

“Gazonka made the secret way out, and went to Evernor to hear the Mi sing” said Brutus, as they walked along.
“And he couldn’t help boasting about it at the last Barkfest gig, So that’s how we’ll go” said Arfa
Arfa managed to get the How to, Spell Book back into the library without incident,
then returned to the Nighties and the violin.

The five crept to the huge wall that ringed Goblindom.
“Can you make me an Anti Compass, Thor?” said Arfa exploring the rocks at the base of the very high wall
“Yeh, why?” said Thor waving his hands, and the Anti Compass appeared.
“It’ll show which rock around here is a stone door, that’s the start of Gazonka’s secret way out of Goblindom” said Arfa.

The compass showed Nearly North, Iffy South, and Way out West. East of Evernor was where the compass point
would rather not go.
“Here” said Thor giving Arfa the compass.

“Right” said Arfa turning to the wall.
“Don’t show me anything”
The compass pointed to a large rock then pointed straight up.
“I think it’s broke” said Arfa as the Anti Compass cracked in two in his claw.
“But it pointed to that big rock first” he said.

Thor stared at the stone, “Yes, it’s a door, but it’s locked, What we need is the Soundless Sound,” said Thor
“It’s a key to open things, like a stone door”
“Iv’e got a bell with no clapper” said Brutus helpfully, “It doesn’t make a sound”

“Hm” said Thor looking at the door, that was a rock.
“I wonder what Spell Gazonka used” he said touching the rock warily.
“Ah, You Can’t See Me, it’s an old spell, you don’t come across it much now” said Thor.

“The counter spell is, I See.., he said, passing his hands over the rock.
The rock wiggled and changed shape into an old door with a crystal handle.
He turned the handle and the rock door opened, and they all stepped through into the darkness.

“I know it’s not very Goblin of me, said Brutus, “But I don’t like the dark”
“Ang on, Brutus” said Arfa, “There’ll be a light switch somewhere, um, here”
The room lit up showing a sitting room with chairs, an occasional table, occasionally there,
and paintings of windows showing scenery, and of course, Gazonka’s Golden Fin award.

“So what” said Arfa.
“Anyway” he said “The way out is this way”, as he walked to the stairs at the end of the room.
Arfa put the violin in his pack and the others followed him down the wooden stairs.

“How thick is this wall at the base, Thor?” said Arfa.
“Well,” said Thor, “It’s two hundred and fifty feet high, dunno how thick it is, though.

 Whats at the end of the tunnel?” said Thor
“The UnderDoor of Evernor,” they all said together in surprise.

“Hah” said Arfa, “Trust Gazonka to have found the lost door, and anyway,
we sold more copies of Wots that wiggling in my drink, than he did with his song,
and who cares that the Outright Lie did a feature on him in the music section of that paper”

“You do” said Brutus smiling.
“So wot” said Arfa.
The Outright Lie had done a two page piece on Gazonka the Fridge receiving his Golden Hard Fin award,
whilst receiving a barrage of rotten Bandango Fruit from disgruntled rival band members.
Arfa, Narg and Org throwing most of the fruit on the day.

“Did you know that Gazonka is, in fact, of small stature and takes growing pills shortly before his performance “
said Brutus

“Well” said Arfa, ‘The light doth shine, how short is he?”
“Two foot naught” said Thor with a smile and they all started laughing.
“E’s been caught short” said Brutus crying with laughter.

The UnderDoor to Evernor looked just like any other door, except it stepped aside when you approached it.
“It’s slipperier than a mudfish” said Arfa trying to grab the door handle that moved.
“Ah” said Thor, “This door is not Goblin made.

“No it is not” said the refined voice of the violin.
“Arfa of the Nighties, hold me before the door” she said

Arfa took the violin out of his pack and held it up.
The violin flashed and the door became transparent.
On the other side of the door stood Mistress Unicorn.

The unicorn bowed, “My Lady” she said.
“Mistress, my dear, may I come in?” said the refined voice.
“Of course, My Lady” said the Unicorn, “Your companions may not”

The Unicorn looked at each of the Goblins in turn, and each felt he had been looked at inside out.
“Oo er” said Arfa.

“Hm” said Mistress Unicorn,
“Arfa of the Nighties, This is not the first time you have come under my gaze”
“No Mistress, sorry Mistress, said Arfa. “The violin asked us to bring it to Evernor”

“Hm” said the Unicorn.
She raised her head and listened for a moment, then the tip of her spiral horn started to glow.

“The Moon Queen grants you passage, My Lady, the goblins are in your charge” said the Unicorn.
“Thank you, Mistress” said the refined voice, and the Unicorn stepped aside and bowed.
The goblins hastily moved on.
Beyond the door, a forest path appeared,
and the path slowly decended until it became a large meadow of Whisperweed.
The meadow was covered in beautiful white flowers, almost as far as you see,
and the path led to a trail of blue flowers, like a blue ribbon through all the white ones.

“This reminds me of something”, said Brutus, “But I don’t know what.
” “I do” said Arfa looking at Brurus.
“This is the way Snee came, word is, E’s a blue”

“Wot, a real one” said Thor
“And the fairy involved was Airien,” continued Arfa, “Nights Mistress’s sister, no less”
“Blimey” said Thor, as the pollen of the blue flowers dusted them all as they walked on.

“Arfa of the Nighties” said the refined voice “Would you take one to Madam Pattisserre’s floating coffee shop?”
“I would, My Lady” said Arfa stoutly, as they started up a small hill together.

“Brutus, what styles do you play?” said Vivaldi.
“I’m into the band thing” said Brutus.
“But iv’e seen Jaco Pastorius play on the human tv, and I love your Bass lines, Master Vivaldi”

“Thank you , kind sir” said the Maestro.
“I’m glad we are doing this” said Arfa happily.
“Good” said the merry refined voice. “We go to meet Master Glass, the Moon Queens consort”
“He is a consummate composer, and a gifted teacher.
“He may bring his prodigy, Thel, to the coffee shop”

“Master Glass knows who we are, Arfa, and he is expecting us,
We shall all behave appropriately, won’t we!”
The four goblins Yo’d and fisted the air.
The refined voice giggled.

“We have inspired many gifted musicians in our time” said Stradivarius
“Each one needed a voice to speak and the violin was the voice” said the Master.

Up ahead, a young woman wearing a dark green cloak waited for them on the path.
When they came up to her, she bowed “Nighties, my name is Raylea” she said “I am your guide”
She nodded her head to the violin, “My Lady” she said.
“Master” said the refined voice.

Raylea looked at the goblins.

“You’re the Master of Wind and Waves” said Arfa.
“Yes, Arfa” said Raylea, “the Fire Master remembers you, you have the Moon Queen’s protection, so you will behave”
“Yes, Master“ they all said, and grovelled.
“Not like that” said the Master sternly.

A shadow stepped out of a tree next to them and became a tall man.
“Lord Tharg” said Arfa in surprise.
“Yes, little Nightie, we meet again” said Tharg standing next to Raylea
“Her full protection, Nighties” he said.

“Every bit” said the Fire Master coming up behind them.
“Oo er” said Arfa.
“You are safe, Arfa”, said the Fire Master
“You can’t go back, Arfa, you are following a Blue, you will change, Nighties,
that’s what happens when you follow a Blue”

“Change into what?” said Thor.
“More than a goblin, Thor Galore” said August the Fire King.

He turned to Raylea, “Master” said the Fire King “Will you bear us to Evernor’s gate”
“Yes, High One” said Raylea “Gather together, please”
She threw her cloak over them and lifted with the breeze it caught,
and bore them over the hills and valleys to the gate of Evernor.

Eturia the Manticore bowed to the Fire King as they met at the gate.
“Greetings Eturia” said August “ My party, and I, wish to enter Evernor,
and I take full responsibility for the Goblins in Evernor”
“So be it, High One” said Eturia, and allowed them to pass.

“Raylea” said August quietly, as they walked along the animated avenue.
“Yes, Moon” she replied softly.

“Night’s Mistress needs to know what is happening,” said August.
“I will send Tharg to speak with her, Take our guests to the Floating Coffee Shop,
I will see the Kings and Queens of Evernor”
“Yes, Moon” said the Master of Wind and Waves

The Nighties kept on walking “I helped Airien and Snee escape” said Raylea to the nighties,
as they turned down a side alley, over a small wooden bridge, and along a walkway.
“Did you?” said Brutus.

Raylea smiled, “He was very happy to leave Goblindom”
“Who wouldn’t be” said Brutus.
“Yo” said the other nighties together, fisting the air.

“Nighties” said the Master stopping.
The Goblins all stopped.
“Downstairs has no power here,” said the Master of Wind and Waves
“This is Evernor, Nighties, You are free”

“Wot” said Thor.
“AAhe” said Bender.
“Do wot” said Arfa.

“You are no longer in Goblindom, and we are under the protection of the Moon Queen, Nighties” said Raylea
“This is the time of the Blue”

“Wot, like really free” said Arfa, “You know, like not answer to no-one?”

“No Arfa” said Raylea, “To no-one, but the Queen, Welcome to Evernor, Blue Nighties” said Raylea.
“And please, drop the Yo”

“Yo, sorry, yes, Raylea” said Arfa smiling.
They waited on the corner of Rue Avenue for the Coffee Shop to come by.
A group of gryphons joined them, and waited as well.
Some Genies floated past on a flying carpet and waved to them, and then the Floating Coffee Shp arrived.

Madame Pattisserre stood on the balcony and waved to them.
They all came onboard, and Madame bowed to Raylea.
“Welcome, High One” she said.

“Alea sends her love, Antoinette” said the Master, bowing in return.
“Madame, May I present Arfa, Thor, Bender and Brutus of the Nighties,and of course, My Lady”

“May I?” said Madame, taking the violin into her hands.
“Er, yes” said Arfa, a little confused.

“Oh, my dears” said Madame cradling the violin.
“We thought we’d never find you again”

“All is well, Antoinette” said the refined voice.
“The Nighties perform with spirit, we are pleased”
“Good” smiled Madame Pattisserre.

“Where would you like to sit, Master” she said to Raylea.
“Could we have the Queens balcony, please, Antoinette, and I believe Night’s Mistress and the Kings and Queens
will attend tonights performance, the Fire King and Lord Tharg will join us shortly”

“Yes, High One” said Madame “May I suggest a simple four course meal with Fairy Ale,
we do not serve Ja Jubi Juice, Nighties” said Madamoiselle.

“Ah, Ok” said Thor blushing.
“Blushing! A Goblin does not blush, He, or She, has green warty skin, like a toad, and big bulbous eyes and claws” said Thor looking at his claws turn blue and then growing into fingers.
“Oo, Ahh” said Arfa as he turned blue.
.Brutus completely changed into a slim elegant young man and perfectly blue down to his shoes.
“Woh” said Brutus looking at his hands

 When they came to the Queens balcony, Master Glass was waiting for them.
“Oh, My Lady, what have they done to you?” said Master Glass.
The violin sprang out of Arfa’s hands and floated before the Master Musician, who tsked,
waved a hand and the Spell Strings evaporated, and the violin glowed with silver strings again,
then settled into the Masters hands.

“Thank you, Leo” said the refined voice.
Raylea bowed to the Master Musician, who smiled at her.
“Thank you, Master, for returning My Lady to us” said Master Glass.

“Hm” said Raylea looking at the goblins, who looked at their feet.
“I truly did find,.. sorry Master, I saw you put it behind the rock” said Arfa.

“I’ve had the devils own work to find My Lady again, Arfa” said the Master of Wind and Waves.
Madame and her staff brought the first course, and the rare wine that Master Glass enjoyed.

“Arfa” said Madamoiselle “We, at the floating coffee shop, hire musicians,
to play for our guests from time to time, Would you care to play for us tonight?”
“Would we ever” said Brutus grinning.
“Something appropriate?” suggested Madame.

“Hey,” said Arfa, “Wot about the slow one?”
“Wot, the nancy song?” said Bender.
“Yeh” said Arfa, “It’ll work here”

“Oh, I’ve got a new rythum for that” said Thor.
“Oh, have you now, give it to your Brutus then” said the bass player,
and they began to jam on the song, as Madame guided the Nighties backstage.

The “warm the room up” musicians were already playing to the quickly filling auditorium,
and backstage was full to capacity with everyone and his dog.

The Nighties were backstage and did not see the arrival of Night’s Mistress, Her sister Airien, and the fabulous blue, Snee.
Nor did they see the Kings and Queens arrive either.

Lord Tharg and the Fire Master joined Raylea and Master Glass on the Queens balcony,
Master Glass glanced at the door as Thel stepped into the Auditorium.
Behind him, all the Master Musicians from the Musicians Guild, came in as well.

Leo smiled, and beckoned to Thel to come up to the Queens balcony,
Thel smiled and nodded, and started threading through the crowd towards his Master

Raylea, Tharg and August talked together at the end of the table.
The Fire Master smiled at Tharg.
“What can I say, Moon” said Tharg helplessly.
“Think of it as a gift from my heart, my dears” said August.
“Oh, Moon” said Raylea, kissing August’s cheek.

Thel came onto the balcony and bowed to the Fire King and assembled guests.
Master Glass stood behind Thel, who said “Master, I..”,

Thel stared at the violin, nothing else existed.

“Thel” said Leo softly, “Listen to my voice, come to me, my bright one”
“Oh” said Thel sleepily.
“She is so strong and sweet, Master, this must be My Lady”

“I am, bright young Star”, said the refined voice.
“And we have been waiting for you to play us, young composer”

The warm up band had finished and the clowns entertained the capacity crowd,
jeering at the Master Musicians, who quickly joined in and made the crowd laugh all the more.
The nighties set up behind the clowns, and the clowns scurried off as Arfa came to the microphone.

“Good evening, Allo” said Arfa to the Auditorium.
“Allo Arfa” yelled the crowd.
lots of Evernor had bought the Nighties single.
“Ow are we, en” said Arfa to the crowd, as Thor and Brutus locked together,
and jammed the new version of “Over the Wall”
“Good” said the crowd noisily

“Ah, well en” said Arfa as the Nighties kicked into Funkadelic.
The whole room jumped to their feet and danced, dude.

They funked along awhile, then did a right hand bend and brought it up to a blistering version
of Wots that wiggling in my drink.
Arfa turned to the band “Let it down nice and slow” he said.
Thor nodded and they took the frantic pace to a slow tapering off, into silence.

The silence held, as a small Blue walked up the aisle to the stage, and all the little Blues of Evernor followed him.
Thor came to the front of the stage.
“It’s true” he said.

Snee smiled at Thor and nodded.
Suddenly the band members completely changed in to Blues.
Night’s Mistress came through the little Blues and took Snee’s hand.

“Come and live in my Domain, Blue Nighties” she said.
The Nighties bowed.
“Good” said Night’s Mistress smiling. and they all left the stage.

Brutus, as usual, was the last one to leave the stage.
As he turned to go, Thel stepped out from behind the curtains at the side of the stage.
“Hey Brutus” said Thel, “Hang in, dude, lets jam”

“Owrl right en” said Brutus smiling, and started riffing on a Jaco Pastorius composition.

“Dude!” said Thel loudly, walking on stage.
“Ladies and Gentlemen and all Species, welcome to Madame’s place.
May we have the Harp Master on stage please”

The crowd roared
“And Thor Galore, please, as well”
More roaring erupted.

There was movement in the auditorium as quite a few Masters headed backstage,
hoping for a gig with the astounding young composer.
Master Glass appeared with the exquisite violin, My Lady, and gave it to the young composer,
who set it to singing like a bird in a forest.

“Ah” said Brutus changing style to accompany Thel on violin.
Thor brought a soft counter rythumn weaving through, Master Glass started singing Thel’s composition,
“Of finer things in spoken word” and Thel opened the vista within the work,
with a womans voice speaking of longing, and then of hope.

Brutus changed the bass to a proud walk, and Thor locked in on drums.
Three student musicians flowed onstage and sang “Over the Wall” in three part harmony,
to the Indian Drumming Master.

Thel took up Jembe and accompanied the Master.
The Indian Master smiled and nodded.

Backstage, by this time was very full,.. so as to speak.
No-one could move, Margarita Venuswayla and the Hell Hot Coral Choir were on next,
but they were at the back of the crowd, so a troupe of little bagala’s were sent onstage, but they didn’t know what to do,
then the Mi came out, and they swayed together in the background.

Someone released the Toucan Parrot too early, and it flapped around the stage, until it was settled again,
and then the backstage curtain fell down.

Thel turned around and laughed, The Master smiled and shook his head.
The crowd loved it, and the divide between crowd and stage dissolved into a very large party.

Leo put his hand on Thels shoulder “”That went well” he said wryly.
Thel laughed. “These are the best of times, Leo” said the young composer.

The Master looked at his prodigy “You are magnificent, Thel” he said and bowed.
“Oh, stop that” said Thel quietly “I know who I am, and it’s not like they think of me, I’m just me, Leo”

“As you will, young Master” said Leo gently.
Thel smiled at Leo “Thanks, Dude” he said.

Raylea and Tharg appeared at their side.
Tharg smiled.
“Dude” he said, and Thel smiled with him.

Raylea hugged him, “Beautiful Man, there are so many young ladies hoping to meet you” said the Master of Wind and Waves Thel kissed her cheek, “Thank you dear heart” he said.
“Your music was beautiful, it takes me somewhere each time I see and hear you play” said Raylea.

“You are sweet to me, True Sister” said Thel bowing.
Arfa came up on stage and bowed to Thel.
“Cool gig, Dude, loved the end” said Arfa indicating the crowd who had gathered in groups, and roamed the auditorium.

Thel, Raylea and Tharg walked outside and stared up at the beautiful night sky of Evernor.

August came over to them with floating rings under his arm.
Thel went to bow, but August stopped him “The formality stops, young Thel, you may call me Moon”
said the Fire Master smiling.
“Yes, Moon” said Thel smiling in return.

“Have you ever flown, young Master?” said August, giving Raylea and Tharg a ring each.
“No Moon” said Thel, looking at the floating ring.

“He can fly with me, Moon” said Raylea.
“As you will, Master” said August stepping onto the floating ring and rising two feet in the air.
“Oh” said Thel as he and Raylea rose slowly in the air.
“You are safe with me , dear heart” said Raylea softly.

“Have you ever been to Shape Island, Thel” said Tharg hovering nearby.
“No, I haven’t” said Thel eagerly.
“Good” said Tharg, “Follow me” and they rose above the Coffee Shop up into the dazzling night sky.

“Hold onto my arms” said Raylea, standing behind Thel on the ring.
Raylea leant forward and the ring began to gather speed.
As the ground below them flashed by, faster and faster Thel gasped, and laughed.

Raylea chuckled “The rings have been very useful to us’ said Raylea.
Thel smiled and nodded.
“The Queen herself rides the floating ring, and can outpace us all, if she has a mind to” said Raylea.
“Down there is the Mist People’s realm, and we are about to fly over Night’s Mistress’s borders.

Night’s Mistress looked about the coffee shop auditorium, and held up her hand.
A fairy in a corner came flying over and settled on her open palm.
“Yes Mistress” said Quirian the Fairy, to her Queen.
“Gather our Blues, sweet, we shall walk home tonight, and ask the Nighties to join us” said Night’s Mistress.

“As you will, High One” said the fairy darting off.
All the Blues gathered around Night’s Mistress on the road outside the coffee shop.
The Nighties stood together at one side of the blue children.
Snee stood with the Nighties.

Airien came to meet them, with many other fairies and dryads, who had watched the show.
“Fairy Bus in ten minutes” said Airien coming to her sister, and cuddling her.

Night’s Mistress, looked at the Nighties
“Will you serve me, Nighties?” said Oberon’s Daughter.
Instantly they replied, “Yes High One” they said together.
“Good” said Night’s Mistress.

“Airien and I will show you something, Nighties, Stand in a line”
And to each of them, Airien dusted their eyes with Fairy Dust to clear ignorance out of their sight,
and Night’s Mistress touched each heart and a warm glow appeared on the Nighties chests.
“And you can let go of gravity” said Night’s Mistress, lifting her hands, the Nighties floated,
each one wore a shocked happy grin.

“Not in me wildest dreams did I think” said Arfa, running out of words.
“Nighties” said Night’s Mistress, “I want you to be my band, and I will create a stage called Afterglow,
and we will have Madame Pattisserre and her wares for the crowds to enjoy”

“Cool” said the Nighties together.
Night’s Mistress smiled at them,
“Yes” she said.

A light spark appeared before her, and she passed her hand over it
“Lord Tharg” she said.
“Good Evening, High One” said Tharg.

“We have another venture to explore, my Lord” said Night’s Mistress,
“I will send details through our people, the fashions and perfumes continue to rise, well done, my dear.”
“Give my love to our Queen”

“I shall, High One, and thank you” said Lord Tharg ending communication.
“It seems we shall have a Night’s venue opening in Night’s Realm, Evernor will love it” said Tharg to Raylea.

August and Tharg flew a little ahead of Thel and Raylea.
The moons of Evernor were glowing in the sky.

“Too much music and you’ll forget how beautiful women are” said Raylea to Thel.
“Hm” said Thel “It is a powerful energy inside of me, Master, and when the Muse calls me, I am taken,..
What life would that be for a beautiful woman?”

“Maybe love is stronger than music” said Raylea.
“Hm” said Thel

“And maybe a stronger curtain, next time” said Raylea and they both laughed.
“Leo was in shame, so was I” said Thel and they laughed again .

Up ahead the ocean glittered in the calm reflecting starlight.
Tharg dropped back beside Raylea and Thel.

“Good gig, dude” said Tharg “The end was a surprise,”
“Ha” said Thel smiling, “Can we ever show our faces again” he said.
“It’s been voted best night already” said Tharg “It truly was beautiful, before, you know, the incident”
They all laughed again.

“Shape Island is up ahead” said Tharg.
August dropped back beside them and smiled.

“If it were daytime, I would show you our Shape children, but they are asleep, our little treasures”
said lord Tharg to the Composer.

“Lets not do the formal bit” said the Fire Master.
“As you will, High One, the beach house is around the point there to the north, follow me” said Tharg decending to the left.

The others followed on the floating rings.
“Our Queen thinks you are the finest young man she knows” said August to Thel as they decended,
following Tharg, as he skimmed over the water, then up and over the trees along the shore line.

As Thel, Raylea and the Fire Master rose up and over the trees, they saw the flying ship Amadawn floating at anchor,
tied to a tall tree in the gardens of the beach house.
Some of the Kings and Queens lounged around the beach house,
There was a Mystic tent, and beside it, the refined ones drank tea at midnight.

“The Fire King” the cry went up as Thel, Raylea August and Tharg landed on the lawn.
The Kings and Queens bowed to Lord Tharg, who bowed in return.
“Your Majesties,” said Tharg “It is a pleasure to serve you again”



Deft and Pud

Pud was watching the Goblin news at six, he had an embarata root beer in his left claw, and some sojun crackers in his right.
Wupert was in the hotspot again, defending himself against good moral conduct, when, all of a sudden,
the tv screen went blank, then reappeared with choice icons and a touch screen
with a small video of a human explaining how to surf the internet.

“Hey, Deft” shouted Pud to the small goblin in the flat next door.
“What” answered Deft.
“Hey come and look at my tv, it’s got stuff all over it” said Pud.

“Has it” said Deft, “I’ll be right over”
Deft was into electronics in a big way, he often helped bands with amps, made light displays,
and made electronic instruments that were innovative. And generally was a nice goblin.
He’d once read about something called flower power and a concept called peace.
It had a big effect on him, and he lived it from then on.

Deft opened the door and smiled at Pud. “Hey Dude” he said.
“Yo, my man” said Pud, “Check out the screen, dude, its gone troppo”
“Wanna Beer?” said Pud getting out of his chair and going to the fridge.

“Nah,” said Deft, “I just made coffee, do you want some of that?”
“Mm” said Pud, “I feel like coffee”
“Its on the table, dude, help yourself”

Deft sat and watched the little screen with the human explaining the internet, then Pud came back with two coffees in his claws “What is it?” said Pud looking over Deft’s shoulder at the tv screen.
“Dude,” said Deft, “You have a random feed of world wide web attached to your antenna on the roof.
The only problem is, it’s utterly impossible”
“We are from Evernor, but this is from Earth, they are not even in the same universe as us”

“Gawd” said Pud
“Hm!” said Deft “I think we should keep this to ourselves, Pud, Downstairs has no truck with Earth,
but we could have a quick look, eh” said Deft.
“Yeh” said Pud

There were empty pizza boxes, noodle cartons, root beer cartons and sweet papers all over the floor,
when Deft and Pud blearily turned the tv off and both fell asleep on the floor.
Deft had a dream as he slept about making a handle powered helicopter complete with detailed schematic diagrams

Pud had a dream of flying over the wall with his mate.
The next night, Pud groaned and crawled onto his hands and knees.
“I need coffee” he tried to mumble

“Err” said Deft turning over onto his back “The coffee beans are in the cupboard” he whispered huskily.
“Thirty six hours of internet is too much, but Ive got an idea, Pud”
“Have you?” said Pud with his hand on the door handle. “Do tell”

“We could fly over the wall in a helicopter, Pud, we’d be free and I know how to build it”
“I had a dream about this” said Pud, his eyes sparkled
“We tell no-one” said Pud.
They both nodded

Deft drew the plans, as he had dreamt them, and finished them after three long days of work.
“There’s something called a sapient pear wood plank needed, apparently it floats” said Deft,
as the two mates stared at the plans.

“Of course” said Pud suddenly “This block of flats used to be granddads mansion,
and in the cellar is a room full of his stuff, and in there is a plank of wood with a heavy weight on top of it.

“Cool” said Deft “Lets have a look, and they went down the endless steps to the bottom.
Grandads storeroom was huge, full of boxes with tarps thrown over them, furniture with dust covers,
chests and odd shapes draped in canvas, hundreds of them.

“It’s over at the back” said Pud leading the way, Deft followed him.
“We’ll need some lead rope to control it” said Pud opening a chest and pulling out a coil of silvery rope.
They found the plank in the far corner and a one ton weight held it to the floor.
There was a chain on top of the weight attached to the ceiling.

“Be ready to snig the chain, bro” said Pud attaching the lead rope to the plank.
Pud gathered the remaining coil in his arms and said “Become weightless at one foot above the ground”
The plank rose effortlessly to one foot and hovered there motionlessly

“Snig the chain, dude” said Pud quickly and Deft locked the chain holding the one ton weight in place.
“Lie back on the ground” said Pud, and the sapient pearwood sank to the floor.
“This is cool” said Deft excitedly “Yo!” smiled Pud “

The plank becomes the keel, the handles for the fans to steer with, are attached to the plank” said Deft,
as they carried the plank to the roof.
It took a while to make the four fans and then attach them to the pearwood plank,
and in just under two weeks the handle powered helicopter stood ready for it’s maiden flight.

Deft and Pud had knapsacks with everything they could think they’d need, as they stood in the dark on the rooftop gardens
“The word’s out that the Nighties went over the wall” said Pud.
The rooftop gardens were well above the other rooftops, It was one of the tallest buildings in Goblindom.
Deft looked over the wall at the street so far below

“We won’t be coming back, will we” said Pud quietly.
“No, old son, we won’t” said Deft softly in return.
“There’s a world out there, Pud, so much more than Goblindom”

“Yeh,” smiled Pud, “Lets go”
Deft and Pud stood on the sapient pear wood plank.
Pud looked back over his shoulder, and Deft nodded.

“Rise slowly to one hundred feet” said Pud and they effortlessly began to rise.
Goblindom became lights laid out in rows, and looked so overcrowded.
“Rise to three hundred feet” said Pud, “slowy” he hastily added.

“Woh, Dude” said Deft looking at vista’s no goblin had ever seen, shining Evernor, in the distance,
and the vast wilderness, and the Moon Kingdom in the east.
A snow white owl flew to them and landed on the plank and regarded them for a moment, then spoke to the goblins.
“You walk the path of the Blue, young goblins” said Archemedes the owl

“Are the Nighties Blues now, Master?” said Pud.
“Yes” said the owl.
“Will we become blues, Master” said Deft.
“Yes” said the owl.
“Would you like to meet Night’s Mistress and Master Gambe” enquired the owl,
and not waiting for a reply, he launched into the air and flew off towards Evernor.

It took Deft and Pud a while to steer and propel at the same time, and they went more sideways than straight ahead for a time, But they managed it in the end.
Archemedes flew in circles until they finally began to follow, then he led them slowly to Gambe’s house.
Even Goblindom had heard of Archemedes and Master Gambe, and the magicians house was fabled through-out Evernor

Pud looked over his shoulder and grinned at Deft.
Deft smiled, “I knew you wanted this” he said.
“Ever since I was young,” said Pud, “I’d go to the rooftop gardens and dream of this” “I’ve always wanted to be a Blue” said Deft “You’ll get your wish” said Pud looking at his claws turn to fingers and his eyes became soft blue. “Ooh Ar” said Pud in alarm

“It’s all right” called the owl, “We are here now” he said spiralling down to Gambe’s garden.
As they came above the gardens, Pud said, “Lower slowly to the ground” And the ariel machine landed softly.

Gambe sat in a garden seat and smiled at the young blue goblins “Welcome to my garden, Deft and Pud” said Gambe
Both goblins smiled and bowed.
“How did he know our names” said Pud softly.
“He’s a Magician” said Deft softly in reply.

“Young ones” said Gambe, “You are changing from goblin to Blue, you rise, to another place”
He came over to them and took their hands and looked into their eyes.
Then they all turned Blue, Gambe laughed and made them weightless.
Both Deft and Pud laughed as well.
“Welcome to my garden, young Blues” said Gambe still smiling.

Above them in the sky, the swans honked the arrival of Night’s Mistress.
She stepped off her silver seat and floated down to Gambes garden.
The two Blues smiled and bowed to Night’s Mistress.
She smiled in return
“Will you join us, sweet Blues” said Night’s Mistress.
“We will” said the two Blues.
“Good” said Oberons Daughter.

“Shall we have midnight tea, my Queen?” said Gambe.
“Yes, my dear” said Night’s Mistress.

As Gambe and Deft brought out the tea service and sweets, Mistress Unicorn and Gumnut came up the path to visit Gambe. Deft and Pud were entranced by the deep blue pools of her eyes.
Night’s Mistress came and stroked the Unicorns neck.
“Hello, my sweet” she said.

“Greetings, High One” said the beautiful Unicorn.
Night’s Mistress drew out a large shallow dish and went to Gambe’s fountain and filled it with the water of life,
then drew out a flask of Fairy Mead and poured some into the dish and placed it on the ground at the unicorns hooves.

The Unicorn looked deep into Night’s Mistress’s eyes.
“Thank you, High One” she said then drank from the silver dish.
The Unicorn lifted her head and looked beside her, then smiled “Ixtlan” she said, as a black cat stepped into reality.

She had a midnight blue coat and stars twinkled in her fur.
The cat sat down with her tail wrapped around her paws and bowed her head to all, then smiled and said “Greetings”
“The Chimera of Dreams” said Deft in an awed whisper to Pud.

Night’s Mistress sat on the lawn, and the cat came to her, and sat in her lap.
“Hello, Evanna” said the Chimera of Dreams, looking up into her face.
Tears rolled down Night’s Mistress’s cheeks and she said “I knew one day you would come back”
The Chimera of Dreams rubbed her head against Mistress’s hand, then bounded over to Gambe and jumped into his lap.
“Hello, Old Man” said the Chimera of Dreams. “Hello Cat” said Gambe smiling and stroking her fur

The Chimera of Dreams looked at Deft and Pud
“Night’s Mistress”, said the Chimera “Do these two blues suit you?”
“Oh, Yes” smiled Night’s Mistress taking Deft and Pud’s hands.

“Our Pud here, is a writer, and Deft, a crafts person of many kinds, I am well pleased” said Evanna
“Hm” said the chimera of Dreams and padded over to the Unicorn and held out her paw.
The Unicorn placed her horn on the Chimera’s paw and they were both bathed in light “Thank you, my love” said the cat Mistress Unicorn smiled and said “It is my pleasure to serve you, dear Ixtlan”

“Hm” said the Chimera of Dreams and smiled.
She turned and said, “Master Mage”
“Yes High One” said Gambe.
“I have a problem with Ixt,” said the cat.
“He gave a goblin paper to a human on earth.

“Oh!” said Gambe
“And Sulamon wants his Eye of Charm back” said the cat.
“Oh!” said Gambe. “The one Arfa took?”
“Yes” said the Chimera of Dreams.
“Oh!” said Gambe.
“Gods are difficult to placate, and Sulamon is worse than most of them, we need to find the Charm” said the Chimera of dreams